Fostering a Vocation for a Loved One

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So, my best friend’s baby just got baptized in a beautiful byzantine rite baptism. One thing that was brought up during liturgy was the need for priests. My friend has said that she wants to foster religious vocations in her children. I think that this is wonderful! My question is, how can I help her with this, other than through prayer? She wants me to be very involved in her son’s life. He’s a bit shy of one month old and has captured my heart in a million ways. She already refers to me as an honorary ‘auntie’ and other friends have also encouraged her to foster a vocation in her son. How can I help her with this? Baby Abraham may be young, but I’m eager to see what sort of person he’ll grow to be!
Please may I suggest that you primarily give the best example and support of the faith your friend’s children.

The question of vacation does need to be handled very sensitively as a child can feel funnelled towards a vocation that does not come from God, but from the deire of the parent, and the child’s wish to please. I’ve seen that happen.

Pray very much that the children with be true and faithful Catholics, and pray that God will give a priestly/religious vacation to whomever, and if. He wishes to any of the children.
A time may come when the question can be asked, but it must be less the child’s expectation, than God’s calling.

You are a marvellous friend and ‘auntie’.
God bless you, and God bless your friend’s family
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