Furious @ TVLand

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I just finished watching The Andy Griffith show on TV Land. It’s one of the few shows my whole family can sit down and watch. Toward the end of the show (7:50pm east) they showed a commercial for some MTV award show. It showed the clip of those 2 Female singers kissing each other! By the grace of God my 3 young children weren’t in the room at the time.

Please if your of a mind to EMail TVLand with you disapprovals.
:mad: I have been angry with this kind of filth on TV for a while now. First, do you realize that the FCC has no jurisdiction over cable networks? I joined the Parent’s Television Council, they actively work to clean up television. Check them out. Also, TVLand is owned by Viacom, who also owns CBS, MTV, VH-1 and is now bringing out a totally GAY cable channel!! Who we need to contact are the advertisers!! So contact PTC with your complaint, and watch to see who advertises on TVLand and write them. When the advertising money gets yanked…or we start canceling our cable maybe the networks will listen?
That is terrible. I know what you mean though, we live in such a secular world it is hard to get away from such disgusting and sinful programming.
There is More discussion on the Tread called “Say ‘NO’ to TV” There are many on this thread who would agree with you!

Go with God!
TVLand also puts commercials for contraceptives in the middle of shows like “The Addams Family.” Grrrrrrrr…
I’ve noticed the MTV movie awards ads on Nickelodeon during shows my 3 and 6 year olds are watching, and once I was dumbfounded by a condom ad that ran right between FUll House and the Cosby SHow (it was getting close to 9 p.m. local time, so I guess they thought they were late enough into the night.)
If TV was a brand new invention and it started off with the current programming, would any of us buy one? I doubt it. We would rightly judge that 35 channels with soft-porn, sublte messages undermining morality and the faith, and libertine proselytizing was not something to bring into a home (whether kids lived there or not). The presence of EWTN would not change our minds, especially since we could listen to it on the radio or watch it on the net.

Of course, TV did not start out with programming like we have now so we have gradually been introduced to these things and have tolerated them much like the frog in boiling water.

So, lets back up and ask ourselves “If we wouldn’t have brought current TV programming into our homes 30 years ago, why are we doing it now???”
I watch almost no television. Maybe an hour a week, tops. But my younger brother does (he’s 12). I was walking by the TV the other day around 7 or 8 o’clock (still plenty of kids up around then, especially during the summer). What did I see? An ad for birth control! My brother found out in short order what I thought of that. The announcement that it was “99% effective!” was followed by my shout “at killing babies!”. I didn’t know how my brother was going to react to that, but I shouldn’t have worried. At the end of the commercial the announcer said something like “the benefits of this new pill are being discovered across America by doctors and women…” which my brother followed up with “Who aren’t Catholic!”. Get em’ while they’re young! 👍
About thisd time last year, my family and I were watching one of the Star Trek shows, I cannot recall which one. It was slightly after 7 PM, family programming time, and the channel showed a commercial for condoms.

That was the end of TV watching in my home, period.

We have NEVER had cable and now never watch any live programming at all.

The TV set is used primarily for watching movies (videos and DVDs) or for taped versions of older shows. My kid’s current favorites are the old Red Skelton shows and Lucille Ball. My students (I teach in a middle school) are astonished that we can live with NO television viewing, but we have come to love it. We play a lot more games together and do a lot more reading.

I get my news from the Internet and the Radio. I feel freed, to be honest. When I am in a home that has the TV on, I find it literally repulses me and I usually leave the room.

Nana Rose said:
:mad: I have been angry with this kind of filth on TV for a while now. First, do you realize that the FCC has no jurisdiction over cable networks? I joined the Parent’s Television Council, they actively work to clean up television. Check them out. Also, TVLand is owned by Viacom, who also owns CBS, MTV, VH-1 and is now bringing out a totally GAY cable channel!! Who we need to contact are the advertisers!! So contact PTC with your complaint, and watch to see who advertises on TVLand and write them. When the advertising money gets yanked…or we start canceling our cable maybe the networks will listen?

The FCC has no authority over cable TV because public airwaves are not used to broadcast it. It is transmitted over private cables. People bring it into their homes by choice and they pay for it. Stop paying for it and I guarantee it will no longer be a problem.

Complaining about cable TV is like complaining about a Playboy magazine sitting on your coffee table. The magazine gets there because someone bought it and brought it into the house. That’s how cable TV gets there, too.
Makerteacher, You have a great idea about just using the TV for videos – especially the idea of the Red Skelton and Lucy videos. I have a friend who just bought all of the Little House in the Prairie dvds, and I believe you’ve inspired me to make some similar purchases. I think the Cosby shows would be good to get too. I just can’t deal with the regular TV channels anymore either. I wish I could afford TiVo (or whatever it’s called.)

Are there any other old shows you (or anyone) recommend? And, where would I buy them?

**We don’t have cable anymore (using the TV for only video watching), so these commercials are new to me… Wow! What is this world coming to now!!! :banghead: The world seems to frown on the fact that kids now-a-days are having kids starting younger and younger… but they are feeding this information to them, so they shouldn’t be too suprised! Right? I think it is shameful to have anything on the TV like that what so ever but even more so in the hrs that they know kids are going to be watching… even channels where it is geared toward children! There should be none of that garbage on there!:mad: **

Oh BTW, I work at a library and we have a good selection of movies that can be taken out for free! So instead of going to the local Blockbuster where videos are $3-4 each… i get all my movies at the library. Also, I do to supermarkets… sometimes they have good, inexpensive movies for sale.
Not too long after the superbowl fiasco (which we missed by the Grace of God as we sat down to dinner at half-time), the organization www.grassfire.org began a petition for the FCC to impose ratings on commercials as they do to TV programming so they are compatible. I’m not that familiar with the rating system as we do not watch much TV either (except for EWTN 🙂 ), but I think it’s a great idea. That way you get G-rated commercials during family programming.
Umm…yeah…it’s just T.V. and the commercials are there for people who do that kind of stuff…because, even though people shouldn’t be doing certain things, they do, and this is just a way to get to them. T.V. is not evil, and those older shows…create false realities of our world. Families and lives are not perfect, we can’t shield people from the harsh world we live in (in my findings, I was never shielded from the “ugly facts of life”, and I’m in a small handful of people in my community who has a morals…while those that were shielded from everything under the sun, have a warped view of ethics…ironic no?)

Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that your view is correct. Someone may not approve of your way of thinking, and with T.V., there is a lot that we can learn about our culture (goods and bads). By the way, watching Videos and DVD’s, still counts as T.V., and I do hate splitting hairs, but let’s not point fingers.

I’m not trying to make enemies, I’m just stating my point of view, and while there are some things on T.V. that I DO NOT LIKE, it’s not my place to force my beliefs on others, all I can do is issue my two cents, and call it a good day.

(As a matter of fact…you can use T.V. as a guide of what NOT to do!😉 )
Maxk, I couldn’ agree more. Even if its a good show, you cant trust the commercials!
I just finished watching The Andy Griffith show on TV Land. It’s one of the few shows my whole family can sit down and watch. Toward the end of the show (7:50pm east) they showed a commercial for some MTV award show. It showed the clip of those 2 Female singers kissing each other! By the grace of God my 3 young children weren’t in the room at the time.

Please if your of a mind to EMail TVLand with you disapprovals.
I can’t think of a bigger waste of time than watching reruns on TV!!
I have just about stopped watching TV except for Fox news in the morning while I eat breakfast.
T.V. is not evil,
Not intrinsically. But it does its will.
and those older shows…create false realities of our world. Families and lives are not perfect,
I know isn’t it aweful all those people walking around acting like Ozzy and Harriet. Being overly nice to each other, not making any sexual comments, no swearing. Its a real problem in our culture isn’t it? Those shows really lead us a stray.
we can’t shield people from the harsh world we live in (in my findings, I was never shielded from the “ugly facts of life”, and I’m in a small handful of people in my community who has a morals…while those that were shielded from everything under the sun, have a warped view of ethics…ironic no?)
If you have morals it’s by the grace of God not because you where exposed to a lack of virtue.
Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean that your view is correct. Someone may not approve of your way of thinking, and with T.V., there is a lot that we can learn about our culture (goods and bads). By the way, watching Videos and DVD’s, still counts as T.V., and I do hate splitting hairs, but let’s not point fingers.
Read the Bible friend. There is alot og pointing fingers there. Not condeming people, but pointing out evil for what it is.
I’m not trying to make enemies, I’m just stating my point of view, and while there are some things on T.V. that I DO NOT LIKE, it’s not my place to force my beliefs on others, all I can do is issue my two cents, and call it a good day.
This is exactly what our Holy Father was talking about recently when he said America is loosing it’s spirituality to materialism and relativism.

We are called to point out evil when and where we see it.
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