Gay Pride Masses

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There is no more benighted religious order in the Church than the Jesuits. They got so involved in politics in the 18th century that the pope suppressed them for 40 years. In the 1960s the Jesuits got deeply involved in “Liberation Theology” and took up arms to join Communist movements in Latin America. They went so far that even the liberalist Paul VI declared them personae non gratae and would have nothing further to do with them personally.

As an example, just look at what’s going on at the Jesuit Urban Center of Boston. First off, the Novus Ordo Jesuits have replaced First Friday devotions to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus with “Taize” services. Taize is associated with Protestant Pentecostalism.

I know these Masses exist in some Chicago neighborhoods- I was wondering why the Church promotes a lifestyle that is contrary to its teaching. And why Cardinal George and others do nothing about them.
So much for the sin of sodem!!! I guess it no longer crys to Heaven for Vengenance!! :mad:. That Mass is going against every law of the Catholic Church!! So therefore it can NOT be the Catholic Church!
Wow, unbelievable! :eek:

The Gay lobby has incredible influence on our society. Gay men are demographically very wealthy. Many gays tend to be creative people and are involved in all forms of media, and thus are able to advance their agenda through TV and movies, which exerts incredible mind control on the American public.

Also, there are, unfortunately, some gay priests who lead double lives and are sexually active in the gay lifestyle in their off hours. They no longer believe such behaviour is a sin, no longer agree with church teaching, but don’t have the courage to leave the priesthood and get jobs in the real world. Therefore, they continue to live a lie and subvert the Church from the inside, meanwhile claiming that theirs is a position of love, tolerance, and inclusiveness.
If I had not seen the picture I would never have believed it, that is simply absurd :mad:
First, I’m getting rather tired of folks hiding behind self-appointed labels. It’s “homosexual,” not gay. It’s “lust,” not pride. We would do well to use the more accurate terminology. But that’s a personal pecadillo.

Second, we need to take back what does not belong to them. A rainbow is/was a symbol of God’s mercy (Noah) 3,000+ years before the homosexual community decided to co-opt it as a symbol of their lust. This symbol should be restored to its proper meaning within the context of a Christian community.

This should not be permitted in a Catholic Church.
I agree completely with you but how do we go about taking back our church. We hate the sin love the sinner. I want to get that point across to Catholics who are homosexual, that, I will pray for them that they will see their lifestyle for what it is in God’s eyes but that they can’t ever expect the Catholic church to change but when you go up against them they get out of control madness and they won’t listen to reason, they are so far into their sin that they can’t see anything else. You hear homosexuals talk about how they are going to change the Catholic church to fit them etc.
Well, I disagree but I never thought they would have gotten as far as they have like with civil unions etc. so how do put a stop to this and still act like christians about it? If we stoop to their level we are certainly not acting christian by calling names, etc.
But, if there is a right way to go about taking back our church and making sure her rules remain as they always have please let me know, I want as much info as I can get on what I can do.
It’s a beautiful church though. Too bad they ruined it with that damn rainbow. :bigyikes:
First off, the Novus Ordo Jesuits have replaced First Friday devotions to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus with “Taize” services. Taize is associated with Protestant Pentecostalism.
Taize is not Pentecostal.

It started in France by Catholics. There is an “ecumenical” monastery there now, but it doesn’t sound like an “official” CC group. (Although Pope JP II visited them a few years ago and prayed with the monks.)

Many “mainline” Protestants are interested in Taize, but it is too disciplined for Pentecostals.

It’s a beautiful church though. Too bad they ruined it with that damn rainbow. :bigyikes:
Too bad we’ve ALLOWED them to steal the rainbow, change its meaning, and then defile the church with it.

I’d love to see a beautiful rainbow decorating the inside of a church, if everyone there believed it stood for God’s mercy, not homosexual lust and politics.

Divide, obfuscate, deride, agitate, confuse, mislead, disinform, and misdirect. It’s the way the game is played, and we’ve allowed them to do it. 😦
The word “gay” no longer means happy.

The word rainbow is quickly meaning something else.

The word marriage is slowly changing.




Nice photo!

…but shouldn’t it be over in the “Non-Catholic Religions” section??

There is a profoundly disturbing problem developing for the homosexual community. They believe they have arrived, and that the whole world has no choice but to kneel to the conditions they want to impose. They call it progress. Interesting word. I don’t think any tribe of people in the history of the world has ever called it progress to galvanize about 90% of the human race against their cause.
The Barrister:
Too bad we’ve ALLOWED them to steal the rainbow, change its meaning, and then defile the church with it.

I’d love to see a beautiful rainbow decorating the inside of a church, if everyone there believed it stood for God’s mercy, not homosexual lust and politics.

Divide, obfuscate, deride, agitate, confuse, mislead, disinform, and misdirect. It’s the way the game is played, and we’ve allowed them to do it. 😦
That’s what I meant. You just used more words. 👍
for all their souls, even the poor misguided priest tha officiates…
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it Cardinal Mahoney of L.A. who stated he would welcome the rainbow sash wearers to Communion? Sometimes I shudder at what I see happening to our beloved Church.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t it Cardinal Mahoney of L.A. who stated he would welcome the rainbow sash wearers to Communion? Sometimes I shudder at what I see happening to our beloved Church.
I live in Los Angeles.

He said he wouldn’t deny them communion. I’m not sure if he used the word “welcome” but he made it clear they were not to be turned away.

Hi there:

Beautiful church, tasteful rainbow banner…unfortunate ocassion!


Ontario Canada. We recently had a court decision allowing “Gay marriage.” The reaction in the mainstream of society has been predictable. “that’s great.”, “about time”, “who cares?” You get the drift.

The churches were assured by our federal govt. that religious rights and freedoms would be protected but many of us are dubious to trust them. There is the dual problem, the marriage issue and the “hate crimes” legislation that leaves the door open for lawsuit if a homosexual decides that a priest or preacher has used “hate speech” or “language likely to incite hatred” or a priest or preacher refuses to marry two men or two women. These test cases haven’t happened yet but it is only a matter of time. The end game of the homosexual movement/lobby is to get church approval of their “lifestyle.” If God won’t approve of it, they mean to make the church pay homage.

I think it is time to make use of the good-will that the Holy Father has built over the years.
A common front for the narrow legal purpose of defending religious freedom at every level of the courts, between Catholics, Protestants, Jews (orthodox), Muslims and any other mainstream religion that finds the cause important enough.
Obviously, it would have to have very narrow agreed boundaries of purpose and funding formula. The negotiation for that would interesting in and of itself.
However, a common religious front with legal muscle to back it up might give the homosexual crusaders pause.

Just a thought that came to me today. It may well work in America too.

I am sad for anyone whose church has been profaned with homosexual symbolism. May the Holy Spirit convict in their hearts those who are responsible, be they lay, priest or bishop, and give them no peace until they repent of this abomination. That is my prayer.
It is time the Church got aggessive, threaten to close all schools, hospitials etc and then see what the government does. I don’t know about America but in Australia there are a lot of catholic institiutions and the Government could not afford to pay to run schools, hospitals etc if the Church stopped funding and running them.

I live in Queensland and there was a problem with what the Governement was going to do with something a number of decades ago. The bishop came out in response and said he would close the schools etc. the gov’t quickly did a backflip.

Where are the brave bishops like that.
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