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There is no more benighted religious order in the Church than the Jesuits. They got so involved in politics in the 18th century that the pope suppressed them for 40 years. In the 1960s the Jesuits got deeply involved in “Liberation Theology” and took up arms to join Communist movements in Latin America. They went so far that even the liberalist Paul VI declared them personae non gratae and would have nothing further to do with them personally.
As an example, just look at what’s going on at the Jesuit Urban Center of Boston. First off, the Novus Ordo Jesuits have replaced First Friday devotions to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus with “Taize” services. Taize is associated with Protestant Pentecostalism.
I know these Masses exist in some Chicago neighborhoods- I was wondering why the Church promotes a lifestyle that is contrary to its teaching. And why Cardinal George and others do nothing about them.
There is no more benighted religious order in the Church than the Jesuits. They got so involved in politics in the 18th century that the pope suppressed them for 40 years. In the 1960s the Jesuits got deeply involved in “Liberation Theology” and took up arms to join Communist movements in Latin America. They went so far that even the liberalist Paul VI declared them personae non gratae and would have nothing further to do with them personally.
As an example, just look at what’s going on at the Jesuit Urban Center of Boston. First off, the Novus Ordo Jesuits have replaced First Friday devotions to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus with “Taize” services. Taize is associated with Protestant Pentecostalism.
I know these Masses exist in some Chicago neighborhoods- I was wondering why the Church promotes a lifestyle that is contrary to its teaching. And why Cardinal George and others do nothing about them.