Gay Pride Month

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So if you are unaware this month is gay pride month. As such it seems to be celebrated everywhere I go. Usually I just ignore the hoopla surrounding it. Today though, I came into an interesting situation. I was about to by a shirt at a popular clothing store when my husband let me know the bags were rainbow bags celebrating gay pride month. I didn’t want to walk around with that bag so I left without buying the shirt. Was I overreacting? It seems unavoidable to shop at a place that supports gay pride, but for me I felt like I would appear to approve of gay pride if I bought the shirt and had to carry the bag around. Thoughts?
I thought about that later on. But, Im just confused about my moral responsibility in this situation.
You want to know if you overreacted by not buying a shirt? I dont want to unfairly single you out but never ever ever set foot on a car lot if you are struggling with this

A company made a marketing decision and you made a purchase decision. Nothing more to it than that.
I double up on plastic. We use them all the time for trash. So we balance each other out… 😉
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Im serious though. Wouldn’t carrying a gay pride bag be cooperating with an immoral agenda? Wouldn’t it be sinful? Or am I going to far with that?
And if a company is supporting gay pride with aggressive advertising would my money just fuel them in that area? Im interested to know my moral responsibility in this situation.
(And they were recycled paper bags for those interested)
I probably would have asked for a non rainbow bag, even if it meant going to customer service to get one. Sometimes, I just like to make my own point. 😉
There are gay people in our world. We love and respect them as much as we do straight people.

The “awareness” programs simply are a way for the people to say “we are who we are” and maybe to overcome a tiny bit of the bigotry and discrimination that is part of every day life.

Unless a person has experienced this sort of bigotry, it is simply impossible to understand the need for “awareness”. This is true for people of color, people with visible injury or deformity, people with apparent mental/emotional differences, heck people who wear life saving medical devices are often profiled as terrorists!

I promise you, those of us who were born with deformities, when we celebrate “awareness” or “pride”, we are not celebrating our deformity but celebrating that we have ground out another year of life without succumbing to despair.

So, one month businesses recognize those who carry the HUGE cross of “gayness”. My advice, be Simon the Cyrene and help others carry their crosses.
Wouldn’t carrying a gay pride bag be cooperating with an immoral agenda? Wouldn’t it be sinful?
In my opinion, no. But I don’t know what the Church says specifically about this. @acanonlawyer could tell you the Church’s official teaching. Based on what Pope Francis has said regarding the LGBTQ community, I would guess that the answer to your question is no.
And if a company is supporting gay pride with aggressive advertising would my money just fuel them in that area? Im interested to know my moral responsibility in this situation.
Personally, I avoid doing business with companies that economically support abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood because then I’d feel like I was helping people directly commit murder. For example, I shop on Etsy a lot and am careful to make sure I don’t buy from any sellers who donate a portion of their profits to Planned Parenthood. I also cancelled Netflix because of their boycott of Georgia over the abortion bans. They asked for a reason for my cancellation and I told them it was because of that. Hopefully it made a point.

I don’t feel strongly inclined to avoid business with a company who supports gay pride. I don’t think supporting such a company is helping gays continue to be gay the same way supporting Planned Parenthood helps abortion providers murder the unborn. Furthermore, Pope Francis says we are to treat the LGBTQ community with respect.
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There are gay people in our world. We love and respect them as much as we do straight people.

The “awareness” programs simply are a way for the people to say “we are who we are” and maybe to overcome a tiny bit of the bigotry and discrimination that is part of every day life.

Unless a person has experienced this sort of bigotry, it is simply impossible to understand the need for “awareness”. This is true for people of color, people with visible injury or deformity, people with apparent mental/emotional differences, heck people who wear life saving medical devices are often profiled as terrorists!

I promise you, those of us who were born with deformities, when we celebrate “awareness” or “pride”, we are not celebrating our deformity but celebrating that we have ground out another year of life without succumbing to despair.

So, one month businesses recognize those who carry the HUGE cross of “gayness”. My advice, be Simon the Cyrene and help others carry their crosses.
A big round of applause for you, LittleLady!

I wanted to say all of this but you worded it much better than I would have!
I completely agree with your post. I’ve had friends who were gay. So, I think you misunderstand me. When I see gay pride celebrations I’m seeing a new wave of sexual revolution. It masks fornication and sodomy as “love”. The first sexual revolution was immoral enough. Now they want everyone to participate in this new one. I also see a lot of hate from gay people directed at anyone who is Christian.(I could give specific examples). No matter how kind and respectful you are people label you as a homophobe for being faithful to biblical teaching. So I also see a rebellion against Christ. And, I didn’t want to participate with that message. But it seems unavoidable at the present which is where my dilemma comes in. “Is it sinful to carry a gay pride bag” is all I am asking. Because if it’s not I’ll go back and get the shirt. 😅
There is an annual conference for people with my specific deformity. This conference has both medical and social aspects. The hosting facility makes every possible accommodation so for one week we do not feel like freaks, we are insulated from the stares and the bigotry.

First time I attended one of these conferences, on day 3 the hotel had to send a recorded message to every room and had announcements made because people were having sex in the stairways and the public bathrooms of the hotel.

The fact that some people use this conference as an opportunity to do outrageously immoral things does not mean that is the purpose for the conference.

It is common knowledge that there are some teens who go to prom to get drunk and have sex. This does not mean that is the reason for prom.

Same goes for Pride Events. Yes, some people will use them as reasons to do immoral things. These events are a chance for Christians to be publicly involved, showing love and respect, and to borrow a phrase - The Third Way. We are told to go out into the world and be light.

Go back and get the shirt. If someone mentions the bag, then, use that as a chance to share the joy of Christ.
So you are saying gay pride moth has nothing to With encouraging same sex people to have sex if that floats their boat? I feel like that is mental gymnastics right there. Starbucks just had an ad with gay couples kissing on it. So it does seem like gay pride events are not just about inclusion but rather are normalizing non Christian behavior. I’d say the same about Victoria secret too. All the ladies in the ads are practically naked. But at least we dont have a month celebrating it. If we want to focus on inclusion it would be better to focus on having a mental health month so people with anxiety and depressive disorders don’t feel like freaks. That would be helpful to everyone regardless of their sexual orientation.
What I am saying is carrying a shopping bag does not = “hey, I want you to have lots of immoral sex”.

Edit to add.

I would draw another comparison. Susan G Kohmen foundation donates to orgs that do IVF, that encourage it in fact “bank your embryos before chemo” programs, they have such strong ties to Planned Parenthood that some Dioceses banned SGK fundraisers. Half a million dollars in 2015:

Would you put back any “pink for breast cancer” products?
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I know I will get flamed for this, but yes, I would.
To me, cancer research dollars should be spent for all cancers, not just the one that has people make the most noise. I do not support some of the things they do, and I will not buy pink products unless there are no other options. Honestly, I am sick of all the pink. One would think it is the leading cause of death for women the way it is marketed, but it is not. Companies now must jump aboard the Pink train, or risk upsetting women that don’t know they should be more concerned with heart disease, the number one killer of women.
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I won’t flame you. I think these types of self stroking things are bad if not worthless. Especially when the event in question is not about awareness that some people “stuggle” with homosexual issues but demand the right to push it on others and further damage our fallen world that has been ravaged by the sinful and demonic attacks on sex, marriage and children.

Even with seemingly innocent awareness issues, people are exploited to make money. Cures are not found and may not even be possible, and we are so inundated with this month or that month now that if you are’t one of the top 12 issues in our media driven lives you don’t matter…
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Would you put back any “pink for breast cancer” products?
Well, if the money I spent on it would in any way go to Planned Parenthood, yes I’m afraid I would. I can’t in good conscience knowingly contribute money to an organization that kills babies.

Edit To Add: I don’t think the act of carrying around the shopping bag in the original post is the same thing, though.
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Wouldn’t carrying a gay pride bag be cooperating with an immoral agenda
Your opinion on the subject of homosexuality should be respected as much as gay people expect their own opinions to be. We seem to be living in a world of “rights”, so many groups claiming the right to something but not the responsibility of reciprocating in return.

I believe you had every right to not purchase that shirt because you didn’t agree with being forced to promote something you don’t agree on.
My concern would be for kids, who are so bombarded with gay-marriage, gay-dating propaganda, even on their cartoons, that this just reinforces the messages they’re getting.
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