My grandfather, God rest his soul, used to tell me “you can borrow money to make money, but never borrow money to consume”. I did take that to heart, and never, ever borrow money to consume. Well, I did borrow money to buy our house, which is somewhere between an investment and consumption.
But what he did not say impressed me more than what he did say. He was a farmer-a strawberry grower. When strawberry farming crashed because of the big federally-funded irrigation projects and imported labor out west, he turned to cattle. He never made it past the third grade. But he sent both of his daughters to college, one of whom was my mother. My parents didn’t buy half of what they could have bought with the money they had. We came first, and our education was part of that.
My wife and I don’t live anywhere near the standard our incomes and assets would “justify”, and never did. It wasn’t easy, but we put two children through Catholic colleges and professional schools. Another attended a Catholic college for awhile, then transferred to a state college because he was tired of hearing the Catholic Church put down in the supposed “Catholic” college. He went to a Catholic professional school, however. He owes $16,000in student loans, but only because the asset I would have sold to pay for it earns more than the loan interest, and gains in value. When the time is right, we’ll sell the asset and get him free and clear. My youngest is in professional school right now. She might end up doing about the same, but might not need to. She worked hard for a scholarship, found a professional school that would give her one, and went there. She deserves to graduate without debt if I can get it done, and I will, even if I have to sell my favorite stock to do it.
Long ago, my wife and I lived in an old Victorian fixer-upper that we bought from an estate. We fixed it up, used it as additional collateral on our present home, then when we paid it off we gave it to my oldest daughter and son-in-law. I feel it is my obligation, if I can do it, to put my children through school and, because it’s awfully hard for young people to raise a down payment, to make it for them on their first houses, or at least pledge collateral for it.
I have been blessed more than many in a material way. But my wife and I are certainly not wealthy in anything but children and grandchildren. I really do think one of the biggest problems young people have now are parents who consumed too much. Long ago, a farmer who had his farm bought would buy a neighboring forty or so in order to get his sons started out in life. That’s what doweries for daughters were all about, as well. That’s what wedding gifts used to be all about. That’s not heroic, it’s just good sense. I really don’t understand a society in which people buy the big home in the 'burbs and the new car and the boat and the big screen tv and the trips to Cancun and then tell their children they have to borrow $100,000 to go to school.
Now I’m getting on in years. It’s a standing joke in my family that if my children ever see me talking to a sales person in an RV dealership, they have my permission to shoot me without warning.