Gives New Meaning to A White Christmas

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"First it was schools that banned the singing of Christmas carols.

Then another banned carols played only by instruments with no lyrics being presented.

Now a school district has banned the colors red and green from a “Winter Break Party,” requiring parents to bring only white plates and napkins.

In response to the party policy, as well as many other rules a group of parents and students believe to be rank censorship, a lawsuit has been filed against the Plano Independent School District in Texas to fight back against its “religious hostility,” as one attorney puts it.

Other policies cited in the suit, filed today in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division, include a ban on candy cane distribution when a religious card is attached, a ban on parents giving religious-oriented items to one another on school property and a ban on criticizing school board members or administrators on campus…"
I am absolutely convinced that every vestige of common sense has been eliminated from the human race. Sheesh !
I know, I know, never say never… but nothing even close to being like that ever happens here, it doesn’t even think about happening. I smell something fishy… someone is trying to manipulate something, make some kind of point, make the news, I don’t know… but it’s fishy.
HagiaSophia said:
"First it was schools that banned the singing of Christmas carols.

Then another banned carols played only by instruments with no lyrics being presented.

Now a school district has banned the colors red and green from a “Winter Break Party,” requiring parents to bring only white plates and napkins.

In response to the party policy, as well as many other rules a group of parents and students believe to be rank censorship, a lawsuit has been filed against the Plano Independent School District in Texas to fight back against its “religious hostility,” as one attorney puts it.

Other policies cited in the suit, filed today in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division, include a ban on candy cane distribution when a religious card is attached, a ban on parents giving religious-oriented items to one another on school property and a ban on criticizing school board members or administrators on campus…"

I don’t think I was born in this country!!!
Bob Baran:
I don’t think I was born in this country!!!
Believe me, that doesn’t happen in the whole country. It happens no where near me, and it won’t.
I am absolutely convinced that every vestige of common sense has been eliminated from the human race. Sheesh !
No, just from Americans–until we export our nonsense abroad.
I know, I know, never say never… but nothing even close to being like that ever happens here, it doesn’t even think about happening. I smell something fishy… someone is trying to manipulate something, make some kind of point, make the news, I don’t know… but it’s fishy.
Do you have kids in the public schools? When you do and you really LOOK at what is happening, you will be astounded. Usually, it is not broadcast. But when your kids’ holiday concerts have an obligatory Hanukah song, nothing remotely Christian, and the rest songs about snow, Jingle Bells, and “holidays”, it is hard not to get the message that the 95 percent who are Christian must not acknowledge that fact publically for fear of insulting the others.
HagiaSophia said:
"First it was schools that banned the singing of Christmas carols.

Then another banned carols played only by instruments with no lyrics being presented.

Now a school district has banned the colors red and green from a “Winter Break Party,” requiring parents to bring only white plates and napkins.

In response to the party policy, as well as many other rules a group of parents and students believe to be rank censorship, a lawsuit has been filed against the Plano Independent School District in Texas to fight back against its “religious hostility,” as one attorney puts it.

Other policies cited in the suit, filed today in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, Sherman Division, include a ban on candy cane distribution when a religious card is attached, a ban on parents giving religious-oriented items to one another on school property and a ban on criticizing school board members or administrators on campus…"

I suggest all the students wear Red & Green and also wear shirts printed with Merry Christmas. I also suggest they greet each member of the staff with a hearty “Merry Christmas” greeting at the party. Without these there is no evidence of a 'Celebration".
La Chiara:
Do you have kids in the public schools?
Only my son in High School, the Catholic High School is too far away. But red and green abound at his school, as do all kinds of Christian Christmas symbols. There are even prayer groups who say prayers… every day!! Haven’t seen any concerts there, but my cousin lives a couple of states away, and says all kinds of Christian songs are sung at their public elementary school.
Believe me, that doesn’t happen in the whole country. It happens no where near me, and it won’t.
That’s what the rest of the country thought …and so we went to sleep thinking that the America of our youth and of our parents youth would always be…we ain’t in Kansas anymore Toto.

The secularist war on Christianity as we know it has just begun to show itself, as Al Jolson once said, “You ain’t seen nuthin yet”.
**How does the NAACP feel about , " I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas ?" **:rolleyes:
How about purple for advent? They could wear rose after gaudete Sunday.

How many colors can they ban? Should we look like 1950’s TV?
I’m glad none of this horsepoop happens in my school. The teachers actually say “Merry Christmas” (or my Spanish teacher “Feliz Navidad”) on the last day before break. No one seems to care. Sometimes it’s almost like they’re making this anti-Christmas stuff up, but I’m not by any means arguing that it happens.
tom.wineman said:
**How does the NAACP feel about , " I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas ?" **:rolleyes:

You’d be surprised how many of my friends and family wonder that.
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