For anyone who accepts the Catholic Bible (Old Testament and New Testament), it is a a theology book which*** reveals*** that God is Creator and Father of all. It is not a science book that gives a formula for creating life.
Creation as told in the Bible shows that the objects which pagan people accepted as gods – the sun, moon, animals, etc. – are part of the creation which were brought into being out of nothing by a Creator.
I am not familiar with Buddhist beliefs, so I cannot relate the Catholic teaching to it or draw any contrast from it.
I disagree, God is the origin of life. This is a fundamental theological definition and the starting point for Jewish and Christian belief. Science, and perhaps other philosophies, take God out of the picture and offer alternative ideas. Note, that these other ideas are hypotheses which, so far as we can tell, have not been tested.
If there are an infinite number of universes such as ours, why aren’t they merging together? this is not a Catholic question, just a personal one. It’s easy to say that our universe is not unique and that there are infinite number of them – can this be proven? No, it’s a system of human thought used to debunk faith in God.