It would seem logical that in order for things to be real and existing to us, they must exist in our space and time.
Not true. Have you ever been in love? If so, ‘where’ did that love exist?
Alternately, does the color ‘red’ exist? Is it real? After all, it isn’t “in our space and time” – it’s just a description of the way our eyes perceive a certain wavelength of light. (And, of course, to deer, it doesn’t ‘exist’ at all, since their eyes cannot perceive it.)
What about mathematical definitions and theorems? They
describe things in our space, and they might be
written down on media in our space… but they – themselves – don’t “exist in our space and time”, do they?
Your proposal is what ‘materialism’ asserts – that existence is only defined for things within the universe. It’s a nice assertion… but there’s no basis for it. Worse yet, it implies that existence itself proceeds from lack-of-existence, without anything to give rise to it!
We are also told that God exists but in a dimension outside of our space and time.
Can I quibble? It’s not that He exists ‘in a dimension’, it’s simply that His existence is not limited to the universe. (Which, if you think about it, isn’t a dodge – it makes sense: if we claim that God created everything “in our space time”, how could we say that his existence is purely contained by the thing He created?)
So why do we say He exists at all, to us in the here and now? If He is truly outside of our space and time, then He is no more real in the space time universe we are in than that 4-dimensional hyper cube.
No… since “does not exist within creation” does not imply “does not act within creation”. If the latter were true, then your assertion might have legs. But, as Christians, what we say is that God
does act in creation, and therefore, even by your logic – since we can experience the things with which He has interacted in creation – we must conclude that He is ‘real’. (More to the fact, if we hold that He created the universe, then we are experiencing His effects in all we do, so we cannot hold to your assertion whatsoever!)
His actions and even concept of existence defies the logic that mathematics has to obey?
Mathematics “has to obey logic” because it came into existence with the universe (so to speak). Since God pre-exists the universe, He is not bound to its ‘logic’…