Could someone read through this and point to any info that looks wrong? This woman is asserting various things that seem wrong, but I can’t seem to put into words the problem. Any ideas would be helpful.
<< I made no argument for a female priesthood; please be careful not to read eisegetically: see what is actually written. Of course, I support the Catholic dogma of women as part of the common priesthood. If you have issues with women in the ministerial priesthood, refrain from imputing such matters to what I have written about the New Testament. I am not trying to start a debate as to wheter or not women should be priests. The Christian office of priest is not found in the New Testament; it is a later development. The priests of the New Testament are the Jewish priests of the Jerusalem Temple that was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. The New Testament offices of presbyteros (“elder”), episkopos (“overseer”), and diakonos (“minister”) are the chief foundations for the later office of Christian priesthood. My posts were to clarify the New Testament evidence about apostles, the Twelve, and Junia, as these pertain to discussion of female altar servers of today. As the Magisterium has declared Scripture to be “the soul of theology,” my references seem fitting.
<< I made no argument for a female priesthood; please be careful not to read eisegetically: see what is actually written. Of course, I support the Catholic dogma of women as part of the common priesthood. If you have issues with women in the ministerial priesthood, refrain from imputing such matters to what I have written about the New Testament. I am not trying to start a debate as to wheter or not women should be priests. The Christian office of priest is not found in the New Testament; it is a later development. The priests of the New Testament are the Jewish priests of the Jerusalem Temple that was destroyed by the Romans in 70 A.D. The New Testament offices of presbyteros (“elder”), episkopos (“overseer”), and diakonos (“minister”) are the chief foundations for the later office of Christian priesthood. My posts were to clarify the New Testament evidence about apostles, the Twelve, and Junia, as these pertain to discussion of female altar servers of today. As the Magisterium has declared Scripture to be “the soul of theology,” my references seem fitting.
The references in my post were either to Scripture or to scholarly books and journals. A decent university or seminary library near you should have the works I noted. You could also purchase the Anchor Bible Dictionary, New Jerome Biblical Commentary, or Father John P. Meier’s _A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus, vol. 3, Companions and Competitors_ at better bookstores or online. Neither the books nor the journals cited in my post are Internet based, where anyone can be “published.”