Holland Again: Suffering From Life?

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"Dutch doctors should be allowed — under very strict conditions — to help with mercy killings or euthanasia of patients who are not ill, but who are suffering from life, a special commission has advised.

Dutch doctors’ organisation KNMG published the Dijkhuis Commission report Lijden aan het Leven (Suffering from Life) on Wednesday.

Commission chairman Jos Dijkhuis was widely reported as telling newspaper De Volkskrant that “suffering is too often linked to illness” when he outlined the commission’s findings.

Dijkhuis, emeritus professor of clinic psychology and psychotherapy, said a person who was not able to bear living any longer and had a hopeless outlook on their future could be said to be suffering “from life”…"

And the culture of death continues in souless Holland:(
My question is - what category Who will be the next group selected ? And when they are all euthanizing who will be left?

I am also surprised that I never hear of anyone in Holand opposing these things - I mean - it’s like - ok by me time.
My question is - what category Who will be the next group selected ? And when they are all euthanizing who will be left?

I am also surprised that I never hear of anyone in Holand opposing these things - I mean - it’s like - ok by me time.
There is a strong movement to reduce population, symptoms of depression,or “defects” of this kind would not be “productive” in future generations. Pannedparenthoods founder Margerate Sanger’s Eugenics is still being practiced although they deny it,the proof is there and furthermore they are exporting this diabolic ideaology all over the world:banghead: God Bless

Look up Margerate Sanger
When euthanasia for babies came up in the olp political thread I asked Marie from Holland for a condemnationof what was going on, she said she was against it but there was nothing she could do. It looks as if they are hell bent on finishing what the Nazi’s started. It is very sad to see what is becoming of Western Europe. There are a few bright spots like Ireland, Poland and probably some I don’t know about.
When euthanasia for babies came up in the olp political thread I asked Marie from Holland for a condemnationof what was going on, she said she was against it but there was nothing she could do. It looks as if they are hell bent on finishing what the Nazi’s started. It is very sad to see what is becoming of Western Europe. There are a few bright spots like Ireland, Poland and probably some I don’t know about.
There are a few bright spots like Ireland, Poland and probably some I don’t know about.
I think you mean Emmy from Holland - I don’t recall a Marie from there.

Ireland had to close its great seminary a yer or so ago - the one (Maynooth) from which the battalions of Irish priests came to America as a “mission country”-- it had only a couple of candidates. As the prosperity of the Celtic Tiger climbs, down goes the religious fervor. While Ireland is certainly “culturally Catholic” it’s not looking good.

The Pope himself grew very angry with Poland over its widespread acceptance of porn, corruption and embracing all of the western vices just as soon as the Iron Curtain fell - again, strong cultural identity with Catholicism and still much church going, but the other things are now in place also.

My Czech priest friend tells me that les than 2% of the national population practices at all - never mind half heartedly.

We all need a general exorcism of our nations and a renewal of the Spirit.
I think you mean Emmy from Holland - I don’t recall a Marie from there.

Ireland had to close its great seminary a yer or so ago - the one (Maynooth) from which the battalions of Irish priests came to America as a “mission country”-- it had only a couple of candidates. As the prosperity of the Celtic Tiger climbs, down goes the religious fervor. While Ireland is certainly “culturally Catholic” it’s not looking good.

The Pope himself grew very angry with Poland over its widespread acceptance of porn, corruption and embracing all of the western vices just as soon as the Iron Curtain fell - again, strong cultural identity with Catholicism and still much church going, but the other things are now in place also.

My Czech priest friend tells me that les than 2% of the national population practices at all - never mind half heartedly.

We all need a general exorcism of our nations and a renewal of the Spirit.
You are right it was Emmy and here is my request for her to condem this behavior and her condemnation:
Originally Posted by Lance
Several weeks ago in another thread this was discussed as something that was going to come to be. Emmy from Holland was very defensive and said euthanasia was only used with the patients consent. Emmy has been very critical of the US and Pres. Bush. I hope she will weigh in on this before the Politics forum is closed. I would like to see if she can be as critical of her own country and liberals as she has been of the US and conservatives.
Oh I can be very critical of my own country too don´t worry.
I am glad it isn´t a law yet and I hope it never will be.
But if this government (who a lot of people voted for and are now complaining) will take the advice from the university and make it legal (God forbid) then there is nothing we can do. The Christian Democrats are in power so hopefully they will show their Christian background.

What’s amazing is that many people who believe in this think it’s “kind”! It’s the most perverted kind of empathy…“obviously this person’s life is not worth living (and it bothers me to think about them).” It’s sort of a Humane Society ethic applied to humans. See what happens when you decide we’re just another species of animal.
Omygosh!. I’m breathing (alive) and I use a wheelchair. :bigyikes: I’d better get to Holland, quick. I’m wasting oxygen that could be breathed by a person with a real life!
On second thought, maybre I’m better off here. :cool:
When euthanasia for babies came up in the olp political thread I asked Marie from Holland for a condemnationof what was going on, she said she was against it but there was nothing she could do. It looks as if they are hell bent on finishing what the Nazi’s started. It is very sad to see what is becoming of Western Europe. There are a few bright spots like Ireland, Poland and probably some I don’t know about.
This was posted 2:05 pm today. Holland is 9 hours ahead of us, that makes it 11 pm for Mary (Emmy). She might be asleep.
This was posted 2:05 pm today. Holland is 9 hours ahead of us, that makes it 11 pm for Mary (Emmy). She might be asleep.
She has had a couple of weeks since the politics II thread closed and I have not seen anything from her.
She has had a couple of weeks since the politics II thread closed and I have not seen anything from her.
From Emmy’s quote in this thread, Emmy does say that she can be very critical of her own country and that she hopes that the Christian Democrats who are in power will prevent to make it legal for a patient to decide his death by euthanasia. Didn’t she also say that she felt she couldn’t do much about it, once this practice is allowed by law? Maybe she does feel helpless to be able to do something about it, just like many of us here in the States at this moment are kind of stumped what to do with the frightful march of a powerful spirit that is determined to stomp out all vestiges of Christianity in this country. More or less this already has been done in Europe with their UN manifesto by totally eliminating the mention of Christianity from this document.
Never mind that Christianity has had a huge influence on Europe’s history.

It would be nice if Emmy would denounce in a forceful way how the lack of a moral compass in her country has brought Holland to this point of the “slippery slope.”

Her saying that euthanasia will be used only with the patient’s consent probably was meant as a correction because of a post that made it sound that euthanasia, at this point in time in Holland, is done without the consent of the person. My personal opinion is that they probably are already practicing euthanasia without consent. They just don’t want to publicly admit it.

“Suffering from Life?” - I think there must be a lot of depressed people in Holland. Only severely depressed people have a tendency to want to end their life.
Her saying that euthanasia will be used only with the patient’s consent probably was meant as a correction because of a post that made it sound that euthanasia, at this point in time in Holland, is done without the consent of the person. .
Uh-- perhaps that is because some of the doctors admitted that it was so in some cases.
From Emmy’s quote in this thread, Emmy does say that she can be very critical of her own country and that she hopes that the Christian Democrats who are in power will prevent to make it legal for a patient to decide his death by euthanasia. ------------->.
Saying she can be critical and being critical are 2 different things. She said she could be critical but she never was. She said she was helpless in her own country, yet she feels quit free to be extreamly critical of our president and the US in general. All I asked was that she apply the same sharp tongue to Holland that she has used against the US. Emmy could never speak critically against another liberal even if she knows they are wrong.
Saying she can be critical and being critical are 2 different things. She said she could be critical but she never was. She said she was helpless in her own country, yet she feels quit free to be extreamly critical of our president and the US in general. All I asked was that she apply the same sharp tongue to Holland that she has used against the US. Emmy could never speak critically against another liberal even if she knows they are wrong.
I understand what you’re saying, believe me.
Originally Posted by Theodora
Her saying that euthanasia will be used only with the patient’s consent probably was meant as a correction because of a post that made it sound that euthanasia, at this point in time in Holland, is done without the consent of the person. .

Uh-- perhaps that is because some of the doctors admitted that it was so in some cases.

Rereading the paragraph of mine that you quoted, I myself got a headache from it. I have a tendency to be too verbose, thereby muddling the waters. I tried to find the posts involved, but couldn’t locate them. - So, I guess I won’t pursue this topic. I might complicate things further by attributing to others words they did not write.🙂

Thanks for your patience with me with some of my misconceptions.
There aren´t catholic countries in Europe now but there are many european catholics, minorities but in total many people, we have to be optimistic, without love, following Christ and eucharisty this continue will continue the same, indifference is the great sin in Europe, and why? because all of us aren´t faithful in all things of our faith, greetings
But there’s another story unfolding in Holland that the media has barely taken notice of, and its ramifications are equally monumental.* It seems that those who criticize Islam are not alone in fearing for their lives.

This past year, it was quietly announced that Holland had approved euthanasia for children under twelve.* This news alone was unsettling, but then last month came the disturbing disclosure that not only had euthanasia been approved for infants, but had in fact been practiced by doctors for some time.* In other words, first adults and now children and infants are slowly being eliminated in the name of “compassion.”

The practice has been approved for terminally-ill infants, or those whose suffering is deemed intolerable.* Presumably, this includes babies that are premature, developmentally disabled, or physically deformed.** This is in marked contrast to the United States, where such infants are kept alive against all odds, using expensive, cutting-edge technology.* But the Dutch have apparently decided that these lives are expendable. How long before other “undesirables” are slated for termination?**

To get an idea of the scope of the problem, Wesley J. Smith, writing for The Weekly Standard, cited a 1997 study published in the British medical journal, the Lancet:

According to the report, doctors were killing approximately 8 percent of all infants who died each year in the Netherlands. That amounts to approximately 80-90 per year. Of these, one-third would have lived more than a month. At least 10-15 of these killings involved infants who did not require life-sustaining treatment to stay alive. The study found that a shocking 45 percent of neo-natologists and 31 percent of pediatricians who responded to questionnaires had killed infants.

It’s difficult to imagine how a society can justify the snuffing out of human life at such a rate, but in the Netherlands, this kind of thinking has become par for the course.

If one looks at history, it becomes clear just where the practice can lead.* In Nazi Germany euthanasia became an obsession, eventually resulting in the belief in eugenics or the achievement of a genetically “superior” race.* Beginning with the mentally and physically disabled, 200,000 of whom were systematically murdered between 1939 and 1945, euthanasia later became part of the Nazis’ final solution.* Jews, Gypsies, Gays, Communists, German dissenters, and others were experimented on and finally targeted for extermination under the rationale that they were “inferior.”*

The growth of euthanasia in the Netherlands shares a similarly frightening connotation.* While the Dutch undoubtedly think of themselves as light years away from the monsters of Nazi Germany, they may have more in common than they think.* For what does it say about a society when its weakest members are not only unprotected, but wiped out?* When human life is so callously disregarded, human beings become nothing more than animals, and even there they may have some competition…

But not all of Holland’s doctors have gone along with the plan.* Alarmed by their colleagues’ growing inhumanity, dissenters among the medical establishment formed “The World Federation of Doctors Who Respect Life” in Holland in 1974.* Seeing euthanasia as an outgrowth of Nazi ideology, fused with the United Nations’ population control policies in the 1970’s, over 70,000 doctors chose to adhere to the Declaration on Euthanasia:

Euthanasia, that is the act of commission or omission with the deliberate intention of ending the life of a patient, even at the patient’s own request or at the request of close relatives, is unethical. This does not prevent the physician from respecting the desire of a patient to allow the natural process of death to follow its course in the terminal phase of sickness.

Some will argue that concern over euthanasia belongs exclusively to the realm of religion.* The Catholic Church has indeed written extensively on the subject, because of their belief in the sanctity of all human life.* But this is an issue that should concern us all.*

“Suffering from Life?” - I think there must be a lot of depressed people in Holland. Only severely depressed people have a tendency to want to end their life.
Yes, when God is lost from society, there is much to be depressed about and not much to be enthusiastic about. As was noted by Theodora, Europe refuses even to acknowledge its Christian heritage.
I believe this is the down payment for that attitude. The cultural elites have done in Europe what they’re trying to do here.
Europeans like Franze above offer some hope, but is it too late?
We can only pray for them and fight here.
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