Holland and Its Radical Muslims

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THE HAGUE, Netherlands – The Netherlands’ intelligence service warned Thursday that radical Islamic ideology is spreading to thousands of young Dutch Muslims through Internet sites and online chat rooms.

The agency, known by its acronym AIVD, identified the potential threat in an overview of domestic fundamentalist Islamic movements compiled for the Home Affairs Ministry in the wake of the country’s first terrorist attack…"

"…The 60-page report said a variety of sources of radical Islam pose a threat to the country, ranging from Salifist mosques openly preaching anti-Western, antidemocratic ideas to an underground political movement backing violent jihad, or Islamic holy war.

“Europe and the Netherlands have been confronted with extreme violence,” the report said, referring to Van Gogh’s murder Nov. 2 and the train bombings in Madrid, Spain, last March 11.

The spread of radical Web sites as an alternative to traditional outlets of Islamic teaching, such as mosques, makes it harder for authorities to isolate potential threats, the report said.

“Especially the youth have found their way to Web sites of radical Islamic spiritual leaders,” it said. “These Web sites increasingly contribute to the radicalization of Muslim communities in the Netherlands…”

|"…The agency also sees problems in “dawa” movements, which are not violent but promote radical Islamic ideology. Among them are al-Takfir, which seeks to convert immigrant Muslims in the West back to the fundamentalist Islam of the 7th century.

Two alleged radicals of Moroccan origin are awaiting trial as terrorists in the Netherlands. One is 26-year-old Mohammed Bouyeri, the alleged killer of Van Gogh, and 18-year-old Samir Azzouz, who is accused of plotting to blow up Dutch landmarks.

Finally, after about a decade or more, I found the book Catholic Prophecy, The Coming Chastisement by Yves Dupont, earliest publication in 1970 by TAN.

I was going to quote verbatim highlights of page 1 out of this book, but I am afraid I might infringe on the publisher’s copyright. This book has striking statements regarding coming world events. Many of these statements fit our current world situation to a “T”. Most frightingly is the prediction of the disintegation of Western democacies and the invasion of Western Europe by Arab forces and that *Mohammedands *will invade Europe and commit innumerable atrocities.

I think the events are unfolding before our eyes.
I think you guys underestimate the Europeans…

When push comes to shove I’m sure they’ll triumph…
I think you guys underestimate the Europeans…

When push comes to shove I’m sure they’ll triumph…
I never underestamate Europe’s ability to sink to new lows. Holland is euthanising babies and old people and now this. They are reaping what they have sown. I wish Holland good luck in their battles but this time they should have to dig themselves out and not depend on the US to do it for them.
I never underestamate Europe’s ability to sink to new lows. Holland is euthanising babies and old people and now this. They are reaping what they have sown. I wish Holland good luck in their battles but this time they should have to dig themselves out and not depend on the US to do it for them.
Yeah they must still be waiting for that little boy to put his finger in the dike and plug up the hole. Too little too late.

LIsa N
I think you guys underestimate the Europeans…

When push comes to shove I’m sure they’ll triumph…
Yes, according to the book I mentioned, after great upheavals, war and chaos, a Great King will arise.

*St. Methodius *(4th century) “A day will come when the enemies of Christ will boast of having conqured the whole world. They will say ‘Christians cannot escape now!’ But a Great King will arise to fight the nemies of God. He will defeat them, and peace will be given to the world, and the Church will be freed from her anxieties.”

*Melanie Calvat *(The Seeress of La Salette, 19th century) “After a frightful war a Great King will arise and his reign will be marked by a wonderful peace and great religious revival.”

St. Cataldus (5th century). “The Great King will wage war until the age of forty. He will assemble great armies, and hurl back the tyrants out of his empire.”

*Fr. Souffrand *(19th century). “During the reign of the Great King, the noblest virtues will be practised throughout the world, and the land will yield abundant crops.”

Rudolph Gekner (17th century). “A Great Prince of the North with a most powerful army will traverse all Europe, uproot all the republics, and defeat all the rebels. His sword moved by divine power will most valiantly defend the Church of Jesus Christ.”
I never underestamate Europe’s ability to sink to new lows. Holland is euthanising babies and old people and now this. They are reaping what they have sown. I wish Holland good luck in their battles but this time they should have to dig themselves out and not depend on the US to do it for them.
Well they’d better start upgrading their armed forces; Canada’s armed forces are a shadow of themselves, our servicemen report that Europeans can’t operate the state of the art electronic equipment since their governments (such as France) haven’t wanted to invest a dime in modernising current military equipment…

The German government admits it can’t even keep civil order if huge numbers are involved.

Not looking good…
I think you guys underestimate the Europeans…

When push comes to shove I’m sure they’ll triumph…
It depends on what Europeans you’re talking about. I have more faith in the willingness of eastern europeans (Poland, Czech and Slovak republics, Serbia, etc) and those of the Baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia) to be willing to fight to defend their freedoms and their faith. As for the rest of Europe? I can think of specific units that would be willing to fight but I can’t think of a country whose government has the political will to fight. (except maybe Austria).
Here in Spain we are many that are worried for the current situation, but we aren´t majority though, greetings
Yes, according to the book I mentioned, after great upheavals, war and chaos, a Great King will arise.

*St. Methodius *(4th century) “A day will come when the enemies of Christ will boast of having conqured the whole world. They will say ‘Christians cannot escape now!’ But a Great King will arise to fight the nemies of God. He will defeat them, and peace will be given to the world, and the Church will be freed from her anxieties.”

*Melanie Calvat *(The Seeress of La Salette, 19th century) “After a frightful war a Great King will arise and his reign will be marked by a wonderful peace and great religious revival.”

St. Cataldus (5th century). “The Great King will wage war until the age of forty. He will assemble great armies, and hurl back the tyrants out of his empire.”

*Fr. Souffrand *(19th century). “During the reign of the Great King, the noblest virtues will be practised throughout the world, and the land will yield abundant crops.”

Rudolph Gekner (17th century). “A Great Prince of the North with a most powerful army will traverse all Europe, uproot all the republics, and defeat all the rebels. His sword moved by divine power will most valiantly defend the Church of Jesus Christ.”
Great king must be Bush, eh?😛

Blessings, smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_62.gif
Great king must be Bush, eh?😛

Blessings, smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_62.gif
Well we can speculate that he won’t be coming from here:

LifeSiteNews.com News Editor, John-Henry Westen, has written a special LifeSiteNews.com commentary on the “The smug self-righteous attitude of Canadian liberals” towards the United States and the evidence of a comparative greater moral decline in Canada. The article was spurred by Westen’s preparations for his appearance on the Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor program last week.

Westen notes that Canada has become a haven for sexual predators and that Canadian culture and freedoms are being “Niced to death” by Canadians’ ingrained reluctance to rock the boat, no matter how serious the issues might be. But Westen also reveals that other factors for Canada’s decline are the absence of any major conservative media, persistent government silencing of opposition and the lack of strong moral leadership from the churches or any other sources.

See this LifeSiteNews.com SPECIAL REPORT Commentary at:
Great king must be Bush, eh?😛

Blessings, smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_62.gif
Blessings to you also, Shoshana.

I know you were kidding. No, the Great King is not Bush. From the book I have been discussing, St. Hildegard, who is a German saint, mentions that the Great King will start a counter-revolution and he will begin his work from France. There are numerous other prophecies and descriptions of other saints and people from the very earlier centuries predicting the ascendancy of this Great King being of Frankish descent.

I know none of us need to put any stock in these type of prophecies. It is just makes for interesting reading.

I will not discuss this subject any longer, lest it seems I am trying to hijack this thread.

I wish everyone on this forum, Karl Keating and all moderators a very Blessed Christmas!
Well we can speculate that he won’t be coming from here:

The King come from Canada…yea OK…This King would not come from the Americas…would’nt you be dumbfounded if he did come from France???😃

“The smug self-righteous attitude of Canadian liberals” towards the United States

Please, Hagia, do you know what this makes you sound like? Boy, it is the pot calling the kettle black…sheeeshss…I am 100% Roman Catholic and I thank God every day for this blessing. I have a passion for the faith. And truthfully, that is all that is needed. There is no corruption in the Faith unlike any conservative/liberal party government on this planet earth…

and the evidence of a comparative greater moral decline in Canada.

Yes, I agree here big time. But it is no different than any other western country. Our government is nothing but clay in everyone’s hands…:crying:

Westen notes that Canada has become a haven for sexual predators

I think the Americans have this problem just as bad as we do…if not worse. Our bishop has a zero-tolerance for such crimes. This problem is encountered just as well in Europe.

and that Canadian culture and freedoms are being “Niced to death” by Canadians’ ingrained reluctance to rock the boat, no matter how serious the issues might be.

Not in my case, I have signed every petition there was and walked many anti-abortion walks. In other words I have walked the talk. And I know many others who do also. And btw, I rock the boat too many times to count. This is what the Faith has done to me, what can I say?😛

and the lack of strong moral leadership from the churches or any other sources.

Hagia, this is foolish. And how is the strength of your bishops’ leadership? Do you want me to type in a report from the Catholic Worker to prove my point? Get real…please…:tsktsk:
Shoshana smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_85v.gif smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_62.gif
The King come from Canada…yea OK…This King would not come from the Americas…would’nt you be dumbfounded if he did come from France???
No, being quite familiar with prophecy in the Church I would not.
Please, Hagia, do you know what this makes you sound like? Boy, it is the pot calling the kettle black…sheeeshss…
I didn’t write the words, I posted the article. And frankly I do think the writer has something. Canada here is being pointed to more and more by writers as the once Christian nation now reduced to a rapidly declining secular state. It is used to caution Americans that it is not what we want for our nation. This grieves me personally beacause of familial and personal ties to that beautiful country, but I can’t deny the reports coming out of it…such as:
   "One last reason why we are in such a mess here is the lack of moral leadership of the caliber found in the United States. We do not have here a Billy Graham, a Jerry Fallwell, a Chuck Colson or any equivalent of the late Cardinal O'Connor or some of the very outspoken U.S. Catholic bishops that were heard during the recent election...."
no different than any other western country. Our government is nothing but clay in everyone’s hands.
As that great American philosopher Scarlett O’Hara once exclaimed, “Fiddlesticks” - it is not that Canada is perceived as being “different” it is the speed with which the changes through the last three PM’s have brought it to mirror in the New World its European de-Christianized counterparts which is so astonishing. Many Americans not traveled to Europe or not following Euro affairs are more familiar with Canada and thus note what is happening there more frequently. And more importantly perhaps is that we don’t hear nor see any major Canadian voices fighting back - demanding that it NOT keep sliding left.
Canada has become a haven for sexual predators --I think the Americans have this problem just as bad as we do…if not worse. Our bishop has a zero-tolerance for such crimes. This problem is encountered just as well in Europe.
While the problem is now everywhere and Americans are sadly reeling from the infamy of its shepherds and clergy, the first stories of major “networks” came out of Canada and preceded our own problems. and reports like these:

"…Last Tuesday night I was a guest on Fox News’ O’Reilly Factor to discuss the fact that Canada has become a ‘haven for sexual predators of children’. Two weeks ago I was discussing with international anti-trafficking organizations why Canada has one of the worst reputations in the world in terms of leaving openings for the exploitive sex trade industry.

Despite the haughtiness, the nasty underbelly of the loss of morality in Canada has begun to show.

My last eight years of working as the editor of LifeSiteNews.com, the Canadian conservative online daily news service, has been a veritable daily catalogue of the ongoing moral collapse in Canada.

O’Reilly wanted to discuss the fact that NAMBLA, the North American Boy Love Association, has two offshoots in Canada known as the Free Spirit organization and the Montreal Ganymede Collectif, both of which are housed in Montreal, Quebec.

Canada is singled out as a 'haven for sexual predators of children" in international reports. The Committee to End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking (ECPAT) slams Canada for having one of the youngest ages of consent for sex at 14 and for the country’s lax child pornography laws.

In Canada you can get a longer jail sentence for torturing a dog than for raping a child…"

and the lack of strong moral leadership from the churches or any other sources.

Hagia, this is foolish. And how is the strength of your bishops’ leadership? Do you want me to type in a report from the Catholic Worker to prove my point? Get real…please…
It is not foolish - while I will match the US NCCB with anyone’s group of sadly disappointing church leaders, the details from books and writers such as Ann Roche Muggeridge in her Desolate City (written already in '86), cannot be ignored.

Kelly in the US is starting the same expose on the US church but Canada was far ahead of us I think in the iceberg coming to the surface.

I also note that when several Canadians come into the forum, they are quick to slash and burn my country, its government and critique - I never see these same Canadians coming in to mention their own plight. It does become “wearying to the soul” at times.

At any rate, have a very Merry Christms, a Joyous New Year and may every good thing that life has to offer, come your way and to your countrymen as well.
Yes, I have mentioned the plight of my own country on other threads. It would depend if the thread is antagonistic or not. And I too am in anguish…nevertheless Hagia, I must read these articles coming from you as just something to rebutt and not necessarily YOU saying these things. I tended to think that if someone posted any article they would be behind said article. That may not always be the case.

Later on, I will post an article from our Catholic Register about Bishop Henry who took a stand against same-sex marriage out in Vancouver and it seems he may pay the price. Bishop Henry is a good friend of my spiritual director.

Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and may you kiss the face of god this holy season…

smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_85v.gif smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_62.gif
Yes, I have mentioned the plight of my own country on other threads. It would depend if the thread is antagonistic or not. And I too am in anguish…nevertheless Hagia, I must read these articles coming from you as just something to rebutt and not necessarily YOU saying these things. I tended to think that if someone posted any article they would be behind said article. That may not always be the case.
Later on, I will post an article from our Catholic Register about Bishop Henry who took a stand against same-sex marriage out in Vancouver and it seems he may pay the price. Bishop Henry is a good friend of my spiritual director.

Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and may you kiss the face of god this holy season…

smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_85v.gif smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/8/8_2_62.gif

I remember Bishop Henry as speaking out about something awhile back and that I posted it - but also keep in mind Lifesite is a Canada based pro life website and so they go into more depth on their reporting for Canada although they do report pro life news from everywhere.

Those bishops trying to speak up and do their job are taking a bit of heat; sadly from within their own ranks by those who don’t want to be “uncomfortable” and naturally from forces that oppose the church stance on issues. Bp. Chaput here, was publicly chastised by McBrien a fellow priest, for speaking out during the election rather than “playing politics”. Bp. O’Malley has been put upon so badly, he outwardly wished he was “dead” - anyone trying to do the right thing is under siege if they are a public figure. We need to keep them all in prayer.
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