Holy Love Ministry

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Has anyone heard of Holy Love Ministry out in Ohio?
Yes, I have been there and I am starting to be rather skeptical about the place.
I enjoy praying the rosary, but one evening when they had a pilgrimage there, a priest, whom I do not know or have known, started to perform a ‘centering prayer’ (See the thread here on centering prayer). Since the people at Holy Love brought this priest here, I am starting to doubt what their purpose is all about.

The Diocese of Cleveland has told many people and their priest to stay away from Holy Love. Also, remember the Catholic Church as a whole will rarely acknowledge any private revelation.
Just some words for thought…

Go with God!
I have never heard of it before this thread. After a quick view through their website (keyword quick. 19 pages skimmed) I didn’t see any doctrinal red flags immediately.


The one thing that is a little disturbing is the disobedience to the bishop. This disobedience doesn’t conform to other private revelations like St. Faustina’s.
sleep number:
I have never heard of it before this thread. After a quick view through their website (keyword quick. 19 pages skimmed) I didn’t see any doctrinal red flags immediately.


The one thing that is a little disturbing is the disobedience to the bishop. This disobedience doesn’t conform to other private revelations like St. Faustina’s.
Yes, as I kinda mentioned above, the Bishop has said, (reading between the lines), that the organization is to be questioned. www.holylove.org
But as I may have said before, private revelations are NOT a prerequisite of the Catholic Faith.
I just got a phone call tonight from a friend of mine who is going this weekend there. The Holy Love people claim that there will be a visit from the Blessed Mother on the 18th and 19th. Every time i have been there, I didn’t see her. but have saw some flashing lights. They claim that these small flashes of light are graces being distributed, (Or could it be just flashing from cameras). There are pilgrims that do go there on these special times.

All I could suggest is to PRAY about these sites. RIght now I am indifferent about this place, but the defiance towards the Bishop is a concern to me. Our Bishop, in My own opinion, is not as orthodox as I think he Should be.

Go with God!
P.S. I had also started a thread on Apparitions: The Real ones and the False ones, take a look at it because I tried to talk about Holy Love too.
Your bishop is my bishop, neighbor. I believe he reaches retirement age in about 3 years 🙂

I have heard of Holy Love Ministries and have been there twice. I’m a bit surprised by the skeptical response exhibited in these forums. All you need to do is read the messages to help you decide if it is from God. Healer101…Visit Holylove.org and read the messages with an open heart. Pray and ask God to enlighten you as to whether or not they are from Him.

I have seen many people changed by visiting the shrine. One example is my own father who used to grumble about going to mass and fall asleep during it and say things like we need to go only to get it over with. After he visited the shrine with my Mom, he began insisting that the 2 of them pray the rosary every night and go to mass every day. it has been 2 years since they visited and he still to this day prays the rosary every day and goes to Mass almost every day. That to me (who was raised by the man!!!) is a miracle.

A friend of mine from my job just visited the shrine. She is a ‘fallen away Catholic’ who just a few months ago was making fun of the messages from the Holy Love website. after visiting the shrine, she started praying the rosary and bought the Rosary of the Unborn (rosaryoftheunborn.com) which she also is now also praying.

If visiting this place can help bring about these changes in these two people, this is compelling evidence in my personal opinion that there are positive fruits coming from the shirne-not to mention my own strengthining of my faith upon visiting there. There are other people in my life who have been positively touched by the messages and by visiting the shrine, but I wont go into it further. I would just say that it is not against church teaching to visit places of alleged apparitions and if it brings people closer to God and to the Roman Catholic Church, how bad could they be??? 👍
I believe Holy Love Ministries is truly from God. I’ve been there and felt a couple mystical things. I try to pray the Rosary of the unborn every night.
I have never heard of it before this thread. After a quick view through their website (keyword quick. 19 pages skimmed) I didn’t see any doctrinal red flags immediately.


The one thing that is a little disturbing is the disobedience to the bishop. This disobedience doesn’t conform to other private revelations like St. Faustina’s.
disobedience is not a little disturbing it is a deal breaker and proof positive what is going on is not from heaven

sorry did not see the Old Thread date
here is the latest thread of many on this topic
I’m currently studying Holy Love. I am on the fence but leaning towards believing it is authentic.

I can say this, it is certainly fascinating. If you click on ‘search messages’, you can filter by the heavenly personage appearing to Maureen. Most of the messages are from Jesus and the Blessed Mother, but there are messages from saints and angels…St. Thomas Aquinas, St. Therese of Liseux, St. Michael the Archangel, St. Patrick appeared once, and many others.

If this is all authentic, this is something truly magnificent.

I was amazed to find so little outside information on Holy Love outside of Holylove.org.

I don’t think we’re paying enough attention to this. If it’s false, then we need to be trying to ascertain as much with a little more alacrity. Or rather, I think it’s very relevant if found to be authentic, and I think it’s relevant if found to be false. But right now it just seems like no one is even paying attention or cares.

At any rate, I will continue to investigate and post my findings here!

Two priests I trust traveled to America to visit the visionary. She cooked them a meal and they talked. I don’t know what was said - but these priests recommended the shield of truth. And I have been saying that prayer every day for some months now. I have a feeling it’s very powerful.
I was surprised when I found these forums and no one seemed to be talking about it. I had figured it was a big deal in the US.
If they are disobedient to their bishop, that is an enormous problem.

I don’t know what to think, in short. But I trust those two priests, and I like that prayer.
disobedience is not a little disturbing it is a deal breaker and proof positive what is going on is not from heaven
Amen to that, puzzleannie. It doesn’t matter how “nice” the messages are; one sign of authenticity is obedience. Disobedience is a huge red flag that makes it easy to discern right off the bat that an apparition is false.

In true apparitions, Jesus and/or Mary insist on obedience to proper Church authority first, even if they disagree or contradict the seer. St. Faustina is a perfect example of such holy obedience.
Could someone please tell me about this disobedience? I’ve been googling it for a while without finding anything substantial.
Could someone please tell me about this disobedience? I’ve been googling it for a while without finding anything substantial.
I can’t speak for disobedience on the part of the ministry mentioned in this thread since I am unfamiliar with it, but I can tell you one way to discern the validity of an apparition is to observe the obedience of the seer to his or her Bishop and to the Church in general.

St. Faustina wrote the following about holy obedience:
I understood that our efforts, no matter how great, are not pleasing to God if they do not bear the seal of obedience; I am speaking about a religious soul. O God, how easy it is to know Your will in the convent! (354)

When I left the confessional and started to recite my penance, I heard these words: **I have granted the grace you asked for on behalf of that soul, but not because of the mortification you chose for yourself. Rather, it was because of your act of complete obedience to My representative that I granted this grace to that soul for whom you interceded and begged mercy. Know that when you mortify your own self-will, then Mine reigns within you **(365).

Yes, when you are obedient I take away your weakness and replace it with My strength. I am very surprised that souls do not want to make that exchange with Me. I said to the Lord, “Jesus, enlighten my heart, or else I, too, will not understand much from these words” (381).

My daughter, know that you give Me greater glory by a single act of obedience than by long prayers and mortifications (894).

**My daughter, you please me more by eating the oranges out of obedience and love of Me than by fasting and mortifying yourself of your own will. A soul that loves Me very much must, ought to live by My will **(1023).
beckycmarie: I agree with you. Disobedience would definitely make me very suspicious. And I would have to tell friends about it, so they don’t trust these visions.
I’m just asking if anyone can tell me about this disobedience? Or direct me to some source?
Could someone please tell me about this disobedience? I’ve been googling it for a while without finding anything substantial.
I haven’t been able to find anything explicit about “disobedience” either. I can think of two things that might make people think that. First, according to some stuff published on the web site, I get the feeling that the bishop doesn’t approve of their accepting donations and apparently has questioned the validity of the messages since they ARE accepting donations; however, I can’t find anywhere where the bishop has explicitly forbidden them from accepting donations. Accepting donations while promoting an unapproved apparition might raise some eyebrows; but I don’t believe it constitutes active disobedience to their local bishop or the Magisterium of the Church.

Second, a number of the messages talk about spreading the messages “no matter what”. Some may interpret that as a command to spread the message through the coming Chastisement; others may interpret it to mean spread the messages even if the bishop tells them to stop. Since I can’t find anything that says the bishop has ordered them not to release the messages, then they cannot be accused of disobedience.

Muzhik - thank you for posting that!
Naturally we all have to be cautious when it comes to private revelations. But we also have to make sure we don’t miss the real thing, because we’re overly critical. It’s a fine line …
I was there and at times I am skeptical too about the messages. But I must say when I was there I witnessed a miracle. I sat during the visitations and saw nothing but reactions from the crowd. I estimate there was 1000+ people in procession for the Blessed Virgin; in our times in the USA that’s a miracle!
It was when I was leaving is what I cannot explain. Towards the end of our trip the tour guide called over to me to see the “angle dust” coming from heaven. By this time, I just about had enough of everyone’s visons and pictures and I wasn’t seeing anything. She and some others from our trip where laying near a field that looked quite relaxtion so I thought I might as well join them, so I layed down on the field nearby them. As I looked up. I saw what looked like pollen or fuzzies from flowers coming from a CLEAR SKY on a bright sunny 70+ day. It looked like snow. As the “dust” came down it disappeared from your field of view but I did see one “fuzzie” touch the ground and it blow away from me me. This led me to believe that it may be pollen. So I looked around for trees and bushes figuring they may be coming from them: None nearby. I put my hand over the sun to shield my eyes from the sun and to my surprise, it appeared as though the “dust” was coming out of the sun!
One of the guys on our trip was a landscaper, who also witnessed the event, later that day confirmed that pollen would not be up that high. I have no explaination for what I saw other than a miracle. I did see high altitude passenger jets flying at an angle away from the field but it couldn’t have an effect on altitudes near the sun. This “dust” was coming out of the sun almost like a circular pattern not linear as you expect to see jet exhaust falling.

On another note, I read the messaages and get concerned too. I was hoping to see some more discussion of the messages on this forum and also by the senior apologetics.

I plan to go back in September. BTW, on the property there is a little shed with numerous testimonies of people being healed, brought back to the faith, and etc. It must be good or these things wouldn’t be happening.
George - I found what you wrote very interesting. Dust from heaven is, granted, no great mind-blowing miracle. But in Fatima the only thing people (except the three children, naturally) could see was some odd lights.
On holy love’s web page they have some photographs. None of them convincing. There’s a miraculous Madonna - and if it’s true it’s a real miracle. But it could just as easily be paint.

I guess I want this one to be true. Partly because I love a good miracle, :yup:, and partly because I happen to like the rather drastic messages the visionary claims to have received.
And just because i WANT this to be true - i need other people to help me with being critical, because i can’t really trust myself here …
And just because i WANT this to be true - i need other people to help me with being critical, because i can’t really trust myself here …
Well Gittles, I took you up on your offer and went to the Holy Love Ministry website and read a few messages. It didn’t take me more than three messages to get the impression is that they are not authentic.

People experiencing visions and locutions need to be under the advisement of a good spiritual director to help them discern if the messages are authentic, or a demonic deception.

Here is one from 1/5/08 that set off the red flags for me:
The true disciple does not allow Satan to choke out the truth of these Messages in search of approval. If My apostles had waited for the Pharisees to approve of their ministry, there would have been no Christianity. Today, My disciples, recognize the urgency of these times—times that hold life itself in the balance. They are not afraid to stand out as My own in the midst of secular humanism. They recognize the truth and defend it.
The implication there is that the message comes first before Holy obedience to the Church. It compares waiting for Church approval to seeking the approval of the Pharisees - a dangerous setup for future disobedience when the followers conclude that spreading the message is more important than obedience should a Bishop declare that the messages aren’t to be promoted.

This whole thing reminds me of Bayside, where years after the seer died, none of the messages that were so urgent have come true, no promised miracles have occurred, and some are continuing to promote the apparitions in flagrant disobedience to the Bishop who has condemned them.

Sounds to me like something Satan would do - lure people in with a “nice” message and then snare them into defiance and rebellion.
Well Gittles, I took you up on your offer and went to the Holy Love Ministry website and read a few messages. It didn’t take me more than three messages to get the impression is that they are not authentic.

People experiencing visions and locutions need to be under the advisement of a good spiritual director to help them discern if the messages are authentic, or a demonic deception.

Here is one from 1/5/08 that set off the red flags for me:

The implication there is that the message comes first before Holy obedience to the Church. It compares waiting for Church approval to seeking the approval of the Pharisees - a dangerous setup for future disobedience when the followers conclude that spreading the message is more important than obedience should a Bishop declare that the messages aren’t to be promoted.

This whole thing reminds me of Bayside, where years after the seer died, none of the messages that were so urgent have come true, no promised miracles have occurred, and some are continuing to promote the apparitions in flagrant disobedience to the Bishop who has condemned them.

Sounds to me like something Satan would do - lure people in with a “nice” message and then snare them into defiance and rebellion.
Yeah, I agree with you. It does seem heretic. And yet - I’m not trying to beat a dead horse here, bear with me - it’s not really proof, is it? What was written there could mean a number of things.
“Pharisees” could be referring to lay people (or priests) who don’t like Holy Love. Not necessarily bishops. But, I agree, they could have put it much more clearly.
Oh I dunno …
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