Homosexual Pressure May Have Forced Target's Salvation Army Eviction

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**Homosexual Pressure May Have Forced Target’s Salvation Army Eviction

By Bill Fancher and Jenni Parker
December 15, 2004

(AgapePress) - Pro-family groups based in Washington, DC, and in Illinois say homosexuals are behind a new policy at Target stores that has resulted in banning Salvation Army kettle drive activities on the retail chain’s premises nationwide.

The familiar Salvation Army bell ringers and their red kettles have been barred from Target stores this Christmas season, and the official reason given by the retailer has to do with its policy prohibiting all nonprofit soliciting at Target locations. However, Bob Knight of the Culture and Family Institute is suspicious of the company’s explanation.

Bob Knight While it is true that Target has maintained a long-standing policy against soliciting in front of its stores, the company has, until this year, consistently made an exception for The Salvation Army. Knight questions the sudden policy change and says although Target officials claim they just want to make their “no solicitation” policy uniform, his sources indicate there may be more to the story.

“We happen to know,” the CFI spokesman explains, “that the Target Corporation has been under enormous pressure from homosexual activists to dump The Salvation Army because [it] won’t give domestic-partner benefits [to its employees].”

In fact, Knight says homosexual activists have been after The Salvation Army for a long time, and some groups have reportedly stooped to some fairly lowdown tactics in their effort to harm the charitable organization. “One homosexual activist group in Michigan, for example, has been distributing counterfeit one dollar bills and five dollar bills to be placed in Salvation Army kettles, accusing them of bigotry and prejudice,” he says.

Also, Rick Garcia, director of the homosexual lobby group Equality Illinois, even admitted recently on WYLL’s *The Walsh Forum *radio program that homosexual activists have pressured Target to stop supporting The Salvation Army. And Garcia also admitted in a letter he wrote opposing the Illinois Family Institute’s call to boycott Target that he has long protested and even demonstrated against The Salvation Army.

Pete LaBarbera of the Illinois Family Institute (IFI) says homosexual activists like Garcia “talk a good game” about showing tolerance toward religious groups and other opponents of homosexuality. Ultimately, however, he asserts that such “homosexual humbugs” purposely demonize people of faith and pro-family organizations as bigots, haters, homophobes, and hypocrites – or, as in Garcia’s letter criticizing IFI, “charlatans.”

Peter LaBarberaAccording to LaBarbera, it is this kind of activist zealotry against pro-family and religious people and against groups like the Boy Scouts of America and The Salvation Army – groups that merely seek to live out their moral beliefs – that prompts the IFI to strongly oppose misguided legislation that would codify special rights for homosexuals or criminalize expressed biblical views on homosexual behavior as hate speech.

The IFI spokesman refers, for example, to SB 3186, a bill would put “sexual orientation” directly into Illinois’ human rights code. He notes that this bill could come up for a vote January 10 or 11, and therefore urges pro-family Illinois residents to call their state senator and representative to express their opposition.

LaBarbera feels it is inevitable, not only that homosexual activists will try to use “sexual orientation” laws as a basis to demand same-sex marriage rights, but that they will also seek to “criminalize Christianity – at least as it applies to homosexual behavior.” In fact, he notes that something similar is already happening in Philadelphia, where 11 Christians were recently arrested during their outreach efforts at a homosexual pride festival.

Two things I have heard:

Target is owned by a French Corporation. True??

Target will not support any military family causes, saying they only support the arts and “those in the arts”.

Ok, all internet rumors aside, are these claims baseless??
Uh oh, the article forgot to mention how the ACLU was a part of this grand conspiracy! :rolleyes:
Uh oh, the article forgot to mention how the ACLU was a part of this grand conspiracy! :rolleyes:
If the sodomists are involved you can bet the ACLU is not far behind. http://forums.catholic-questions.or...atholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
No pun intended I am sure. But I wouldn’t be surprised. Gays have this knack for attacking anything moral or positive in society. It is like they are determined to destroy civilization at its roots. Another reason why it should never have been taken off the list of mental illnesses.
Two things I have heard:

Target is owned by a French Corporation. True??

Target will not support any military family causes, saying they only support the arts and “those in the arts”.

Ok, all internet rumors aside, are these claims baseless??
These 2 rumors are absolutely baseless. Please see Snopes.com for further info. They are a wonderful sourse for verifying such rumors.
Have a great day.
Uh oh, the article forgot to mention how the ACLU was a part of this grand conspiracy! :rolleyes:
Who do you think is suing the Salvation Army?

NYCLU Challenges Federal Government As It Enters Salvation Army Lawsuit

December 6, 2004 – The New York Civil Liberties Union has challenged the Department of Justice as it enters the NYCLU religious discrimination lawsuit against the Salvation Army. The NYCLU claims that Supreme Court rulings support its contention that religious organization do not have claim to government money while still maintaining their ability to discriminate in employment practices.
Click here to read more.
If the sodomists are involved you can bet the ACLU is not far behind. http://forums.catholic-questions.or...atholic-questions.org/images/icons/icon10.gif
No kidding. But you don’t want them getting to close…

In Oregon although we voted down gay marriage, the state Supreme court now has a case that was filed before the election to determine if our marriage laws are constitutional. So even if we voted to limit marriage to one man and one woman, it might be totally overturned by the judiciary.

Further they are determining the legitimacy of the 3000 same sex “marriages” that were performed during the window between the time three county commissioners sprang this on the unwitting public and the time the governor and AG shut them down. Just a little background for Catholic2003 since he is so sure that the ACLU is an altruistic, unbiased group… Multnomah county is the largest county in this state. We have four commissioners, three radical female liberals (the head is a former ED of NARAL) and one poor man who is conservative. Since they knew the conservative would let the cat out of the bag, the three of them met secretly, decided that our marriage laws were unconstitutional (no they aren’t lawyers or judges but they are liberals which means the know everything). To further bolster their position, they hired a lesbian lawyer from…drum roll please…the ACLU to proclaim they were right!

So one morning unbeknownst to the mayor, the governor, the A.G. or even the fourth county commissioner, they had forty homosexual couples standing on the courthouse steps, they invited the media and unveiled their new concept…gay marriage!Funny how the liberals and ACLU didn’t want to know what the PEOPLE thought about this…who cares about the citizens right?

I can only hope that reason prevails at our Supreme Court. Of course the ACLU is right there defending the homosexual marriages. I guess the people who spoke on November 2nd don’t get their civil liberties defended?

Lisa N
Lisa N:
No kidding. But you don’t want them getting to close…

In Oregon although we voted down gay marriage, the state Supreme court now has a case that was filed before the election to determine if our marriage laws are constitutional. So even if we voted to limit marriage to one man and one woman, it might be totally overturned by the judiciary.

Further they are determining the legitimacy of the 3000 same sex “marriages” that were performed during the window between the time three county commissioners sprang this on the unwitting public and the time the governor and AG shut them down. Just a little background for Catholic2003 since he is so sure that the ACLU is an altruistic, unbiased group… Multnomah county is the largest county in this state. We have four commissioners, three radical female liberals (the head is a former ED of NARAL) and one poor man who is conservative. Since they knew the conservative would let the cat out of the bag, the three of them met secretly, decided that our marriage laws were unconstitutional (no they aren’t lawyers or judges but they are liberals which means the know everything). To further bolster their position, they hired a lesbian lawyer from…drum roll please…the ACLU to proclaim they were right!

So one morning unbeknownst to the mayor, the governor, the A.G. or even the fourth county commissioner, they had forty homosexual couples standing on the courthouse steps, they invited the media and unveiled their new concept…gay marriage!Funny how the liberals and ACLU didn’t want to know what the PEOPLE thought about this…who cares about the citizens right?

I can only hope that reason prevails at our Supreme Court. Of course the ACLU is right there defending the homosexual marriages. I guess the people who spoke on November 2nd don’t get their civil liberties defended?

Lisa N
IMO, the primary goal of the ACLU is to attempt to abolish any mention of Christ in the public arena. Not far behind that goal is to make moral relativism enforced as law and to foist deviant sexual behavior on the American public. Just my opinion.
Although I’ve never been a great fan of Walmart for strictly personal convience reasons, I am now compelled to make some purchases there and I suggest others do they same.

They have agreed to do a dollar match of Salvation Army contributions (I’m not sure what the max is) as a result of Target’s action.

Sure it’s a tactic to gain more shoppers - and it’s worked on me.
I’m shopping their tonight.
Although I’ve never been a great fan of Walmart for strictly personal convience reasons, I am now compelled to make some purchases there and I suggest others do they same.

They have agreed to do a dollar match of Salvation Army contributions (I’m not sure what the max is) as a result of Target’s action.

Sure it’s a tactic to gain more shoppers - and it’s worked on me.
I’m shopping their tonight.
They are matching up to $1 million.

Dang sodomites wont give up will they?
Although I’ve never been a great fan of Walmart for strictly personal convience reasons, I am now compelled to make some purchases there and I suggest others do they same.

They have agreed to do a dollar match of Salvation Army contributions (I’m not sure what the max is) as a result of Target’s action.

Sure it’s a tactic to gain more shoppers - and it’s worked on me.
I’m shopping their tonight.
We have the bell ringers in front of my grocery store.I always be sure to give them a donation. I asked one of them if the Target ban was inspiring more donations at this site and he said it seemed people were pretty upset about the ban and trying to make up for it at the sites where the bell ringers were still able to solicit donations.

BTW I wouldn’t NOT give to SA because they have a policy statement regarding abortion. Are they PROVIDING abortions? I think not. Further at least in this town the SA was leading the pack in providing a home for unwed mothers and allowing them to give their babies life instead of aborting them. One of my friends said she will ALWAYS be grateful the SA was there because her younger sister got pregnant in high school some thirty years ago when it was considered very scandalous. The SA took her sister in, allowed her to keep up with her school work, bear her son and then go back to her normal life. Further as the family was Catholic they insisted the baby be adopted by a Catholic family and the SA helped with that as well. So I’m more focused on what they do to save lives and help people. Also if you want to designate your donation to a particular campaign you can. We have"Operation Santa Claus" where funds were collected to give to families of servicemen serving in Iraq. So I did know where my donation went. JMO

Lisa N
Frankly, I am glad that Target has banned Salvation Army. Although S.A. may help the needy, they also support abortion (ewtn.com/vexperts/showmessage.asp?Pgnu=1&Pg=Forum10&recnu=18&number=421448.) I would rather donate to my church’s shelter program. 😉
IMHO, I disagree with the salvations oppinion of when abortion may be morally acceptable, and for that and other reasons I do not donate to the Salvation Army. However, I find it more dangerous and more moraly bancrupt for Target to refuse the SA. I had assumed Targets decision that they were doing itwas to cater to their target market and image. They want to be the cool hip trendy discount dept store. They idea that the gay brownshirts are also behind this just makes what Target has done worse in my mind.
Therefore I have decided that even though donations of my treasure do not go to the SA, my business will not go to Target as well.
Target is my wife’s favorite store and she gets very perturbed that I will not shop there any longer but that has been my response!
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