There was an exposé on Colorado City, Arizona, on the tele tonight. It is a scandal of huge proportions for this state. Polygyny (one man, more than one wife) has been openly practiced in Colorado City for many years, and the “guvmint” has done nothing about it. Child molestation, child rape, domestic violence against women, and welfare fraud are rampant. The whole town is on welfare – supported by taxpayers. (It’s hard for a man with 56 children to feed them all.) Young boys are kicked out of town --homeless, jobless, friendless, and without training or education; they’re called the “lost boys.” They’re viewed as competition for the old men wanting to take young girls as “brides,” so they’re forced out. Both girls and boys are uneducated. One man, “The Prophet,” rules the town with an iron fist. He has 81 wives (I think that was the number) and hundreds of children. Even the cops are lawbreaking polygamists.
According to this documentary, to qualify for ‘exaltation,’ and thus become a god, rule over his own planet, and have spirit children without number with his goddess-wives, Joseph Smith declared that a man must have at least three earthly wives. How is that accomplished since the LDS church was forced to ban polygyny in September, 1890, in order for Utah to become a state?
According to this documentary, to qualify for ‘exaltation,’ and thus become a god, rule over his own planet, and have spirit children without number with his goddess-wives, Joseph Smith declared that a man must have at least three earthly wives. How is that accomplished since the LDS church was forced to ban polygyny in September, 1890, in order for Utah to become a state?