I thought that God was pure act? But God is acting all the time. He acted when He created Adam and Eve. He acted when He sent His Son to save mankind. He came down from heaven and was made man. He was angry and He changed His mind according to Scripture.
God moves things but does not move Himself. Movement is always toward being, a potential to be to being eg. growth of a child to an adult, reasoning towards more knowledge, eating and breathing to maintain life. God does not need to move to gain something, since He is the source of all things, full being, or pure act, He is self-sufficient, and self-subsistent. We look at God from a human perspective, making an analogy , but when God acts it is not in time, but it is eternal, God is the creator of time, it is our condition and not His. Time is change, or a measure of change ( a quantum approach, the second degree of abstraction) But when we speak of God we are in the sphere of qualitative abstraction (metaphysical, the nature of things, and not the measurement of things (quantitative- mathematical measurement)
God is not subject to time, except in Jesus Christ because He assumed human nature and became man, God-man Things do not pop in and out of existence, science can not destroy matter, it change it’s state of existence, and exists in some form because what God creates, He creates eternally, He sustains what He creates. He doesn’t create to annihilate.