You could probably do yourself much good by listening to William Lane Craig’s Defender’s podcast and watch the segment on the attributes of God, in particular, omniscience. He addresses this issue and many others and should satiate your curiosity for the time being. His website also has other resources if you’re interested or have further questions.
Suffice it to say, foreknowledge does not
entail that the being that foreknew the event *forced *that event to happen. If, for example, Dr. Who went forward in time and observed a future war, it is immensely and immediately obvious that he did not himself cause the war – even though the war *will *happen absolutely, he did not himself did not force the event to happen.
To expand the analogy, imagine that Dr. Who went forward in time and observed that he had pushed the red button instead of the blue button on a monitor. Now, his knowing what he will do does not actually *force *him to do something – it just so happens that this is what he freely chooses to do. Had he freely chosen the blue button, he would have seen that he had pushed the blue button. Either way, the choice was freely made.
From Craig
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So your argument, I think, makes several fatal errors, namely in its understanding of foreknowledge and causality.
If you want to see more, visit the Craig’s site and read the entire transcript of this podcast (the podcasts after it discuss the topic as well if you have more questions).