I’ll start by saying I’m no philosopher…but I’ve been a Protestant all my life and when I made the decision to convert to Catholicism, what drew me was the fact that Protestantism doesn’t work as it relates to knowing truth for sure. We know that Jesus is the truth, and as Protestants we say we can know Him through the reading of the Bible with the Holy Spirit as a guide. The problem, functionally with that is that everyone can and frequently does come to differing conclusions as to what the truth is on the various Christian doctrines, and on the words of Jesus and the apostles as recorded in scripture. It comes down to, for me, I know truth exists, but I feel like I’m floating from church to church looking for the words that sound “most correct” to me at the time, never knowing for sure if any one interpretation of Scripture is, in fact, true. Which, functionally, makes me the authority over what is true. This makes no sense to me because I know that in the past I’ve truly believed something to be true, and later changed my mind.
As I said this led me to the Catholic Church because it claims to be the arbiter of truth on the authority of apostolic succession. History bears out that the early Christians were very Catholic in practice. But in the end, am I not doing the same thing in choosing the Catholic faith-using my fallen, impaired intellect to choose the Church that seems most correct to me at the time? Am I not making a fallible decision to believe that I have found an infallible interpretation of truth? And if so, how can I be certain that the Catholic faith is true? If I must rely on faith that it is true, then how is that better than what I was doing in the Protestant churches?
I really want to know the answer to this question. I’m not here to argue at all. I discussed this with my father in law last night, a charismatic Protestant, and he basically said we can only know truth for sure (have assurance of it) through our experience of truth. Kind of a “you’ll know it when you see it” approach. That didn’t sit well with me since I know experiences can be erroneous and misleading, and that truth exists outside of our knowledge of it. Thoughts?
As I said this led me to the Catholic Church because it claims to be the arbiter of truth on the authority of apostolic succession. History bears out that the early Christians were very Catholic in practice. But in the end, am I not doing the same thing in choosing the Catholic faith-using my fallen, impaired intellect to choose the Church that seems most correct to me at the time? Am I not making a fallible decision to believe that I have found an infallible interpretation of truth? And if so, how can I be certain that the Catholic faith is true? If I must rely on faith that it is true, then how is that better than what I was doing in the Protestant churches?
I really want to know the answer to this question. I’m not here to argue at all. I discussed this with my father in law last night, a charismatic Protestant, and he basically said we can only know truth for sure (have assurance of it) through our experience of truth. Kind of a “you’ll know it when you see it” approach. That didn’t sit well with me since I know experiences can be erroneous and misleading, and that truth exists outside of our knowledge of it. Thoughts?