How often are candidates for the seminary denied?

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You would think the Church would accept most people, right, because they are in a shortage. But I am wondering because there are two things that could potentially disqualify me from being admitted. Well, not really, but could. One is that I struggled with same-sex attraction during my early teenage years, and I even had sex with a man. But I did not enjoy the experience at all, and at that moment I realized I wasn’t gay. I have overcome this basically. Besides, I do have a healthy desire for a wife and family, but I’m going to give that up for the priesthood. I don’t know how much they ask or if that will come up, but from what I’ve heard they are pretty rigorous with their testing.

Secondly, four years ago I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The Church wants mentally healthy applicants. But I argue that I am mentally healthy because that’s in the past and I have recovered very well and live a healthy stable life. I do not even experience symptoms anymore. Do you think I will be denied? I am certain God is calling me to become a priest, but I am terrified of being denied! Or does my spiritual maturity trump my sins and flaws?
At the diocesan level, at least in my dioceses and the ones near me the bipolar would immediately disqualify you. Some even have this on their websites. If it’s not immediate it will be within the first few months before accepting in the extensive psychological testing they do. My perfectly “normal” friend even had a rough time with it. I don’t think he could have handled it if he was bipolar.

However, there are many monasteries that accept candidates with mental illness. You may want to start looking for an order that is open to those with mental illness…just like you would if you were looking for a spouse. If a woman said, “Nope. I will not date someone with a severe mental illness” would you keep persuing her? I’d say not. But just like there are women who would marry someone with a mental illness, there are orders…so take heart and look for orders that fit what you need, rather than trying to force the dioceses to accept what they do not wish to.
Okay. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go the diocese route or join the Jesuits. I guess my vocations director will have the answer to this question.
Does anyone know if I get denied from seminary, can I still become a monk/brother?
Does anyone know if I get denied from seminary, can I still become a monk/brother?
From a diocesan seminary? One order has little bearing on the decisions of others. Diocese to dioceses I doubt it would go over well, but it’s not like the dioceses is going to tattle on you.

Vocation is way more than the ability to be accepted anywhere.

You should discern first. You have a spiritual director. He should be able to tell you if it’s even worth applying to the dioceses. Like in my example with the woman, if you were on Catholic Match and a woman had on her profile that she couldn’t deal with mental illness in a spouse are you really going to try and persue her? No. That would be foolish.
You would think the Church would accept most people, right, because they are in a shortage.
The Church accepts all people, as Jesus does. The Church does her due diligence regarding those who feel called to the ministerial priesthood, however.
But I am wondering because there are two things that could potentially disqualify me from being admitted. Well, not really, but could.
One is that I struggled with same-sex attraction during my early teenage years, and I even had sex with a man. But I did not enjoy the experience at all, and at that moment I realized I wasn’t gay.
So you have to experience things to decide whether or not they are for you? That’s not good praxis.
I have overcome this basically.
Besides, I do have a healthy desire for a wife and family, but I’m going to give that up for the priesthood.
That’s admirable, but at the same time not exactly a healthy way to look at it.
I don’t know how much they ask or if that will come up, but from what I’ve heard they are pretty rigorous with their testing.
It will definitely come up during the psycho-sexual exam.
Secondly, four years ago I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
Happy to hear that you have some answers, but sorry as I know how much a royal pain that can be in various aspects of life.
The Church wants mentally healthy applicants. But I argue that I am mentally healthy because that’s in the past and I have recovered very well and live a healthy stable life. I do not even experience symptoms anymore. Do you think I will be denied?
The Church wants mentally healthy priests, but is also open to the possibility (dependent on circumstances) of things being well-controlled. It would be ultimately up to the bishop, informed by the findings of the psychological examination.
…let’s just say I think you’re going to have a bigger problem with your first issue than the second.
I am certain God is calling me to become a priest, but I am terrified of being denied! Or does my spiritual maturity trump my sins and flaws?
I’ll say this: most of us in the seminary only have a vague notion that we are called to the priesthood, and sometimes that even varies day to day. Read 1 Kings 19:9-12 - it describes pretty well how most of the guys here experience God’s call.

God does not call us from our happiness, but through our happiness. If you are denied, it is because you are called elsewhere, not because you are not worthy. Everyone has a vocation, a call from the Lord; but we have to be open to what that call is - God calls, not us.
God does not call us from our happiness, but through our happiness. If you are denied, it is because you are called elsewhere, not because you are not worthy. Everyone has a vocation, a call from the Lord; but we have to be open to what that call is - God calls, not us.

God loves you. He’ll look after you. He’ll lead you to the vocation where you can serve Him best. Be open to His Will, share everything with your spiritual director, and don’t be afraid to ask. If you get rejected, just remind yourself it is God’s hand leading you to His Will.

Best of luck and God bless always!
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