I am considering a vocation. I am actually discerning which Institute best suits for me.
Thus, I would like to know your opinions, from your own experience or from someone else experience, about, how to choose between multiple choices for an institute.
Which factors should someone consider about enrolling in a religios institute?
By the way, I am interested in 3:
Legion of Christ (I studied in one of theie universities)
I found the other 2 attractive also.
Could you give me a hand, please?
One does not “enroll” in an Institute of Perfection. After a process that is relatively involved, one can apply on the one hand and the competent authority can admit an applicant or reject an applicant on the other hand.
It is, of course, a two way street – and, at the end of the day, even more a decision on the part of the Institute of Perfection than on the part of one who aspires to be part of it.
When I did formation work, one of the most negative signs was when someone came for a visit having “made the decision” that this was the path they decided they wanted to pursue when, in point of fact, their decision making process had not involved those with whom the person had needed to be in dialogue. Nor, it must be said, was their decision based in the reality of actual life. That was a red flag.
In fact, these men were in no place to begin to soundly arrive at such a decision.
All that to say, if you have an interest in, for example, the Society of Jesus, then you should open a dialogue with the Jesuit vocation director and open the process by which you can begin to have a relationship with those who are charged with assisting in the discernment of whether you might be an apt candidate for their Community. This would give you the opportunity to see if there was, in fact, an attraction to them as well as an attraction of them to you. It is also the place where one gets the information about the concrete reality that is the life in a given province to begin to make an initial decision about whether or not this is viable.
I have worked with Jesuits across many many years…they are a splendid group of Religious and I have referred a number of men to them over the years. Last year, the Jesuits of the United States alone ordained almost 30 to the priesthood.
It is however a case where one needs to see up close – and to experience – what is the life.