So my husband and I just recently came back from our summer vacation. But, as soon as we got back I could tell my mother in law was not happy with me. I have no idea what is wrong and in the past when my husband and I have brought it up it turns into a mess. Just recently, we told her we lost our baby at 9 weeks. She responded by calling it a “false alarm” and changing the subject to herself. And, when I saw her after we got back she didn’t want to look or talk to me; just my husband. She also makes constant passive aggressive comments that go over my husbands head and leave me feeling crazy. I want to respond in a Christian manner, but it’s becoming more and more difficult as this behavior continues. The only thing my husband and I can think of is that she resents me for being in school full time without also having a full time job (which would actually be impossible for me to do considering my current work load and not to mention housework). Once when I mentioned I had to do some homework she replied “oh, you’re still doing that?” I have no idea what to do since I’m never good enough for her. My husband is completely fine with our current arrangements. Any advice?