I once had a beer with a nun when we were working a yard sale together on a hot day
Yes, nuns are fun. I know one who makes a mean Harvey Wallbanger! That said, it seems like a young woman who wants to spend the rest of her life shut off from the world and locked in a routine of prayer and servitude is a sign of either a very misguided or wounded soul. My gosh, in 30 or 40 years what will she be able to reflect back upon that will bring her happiness–no family, no friends, no life adventures. With all due respect, you can live a life of prayer and contemplation without shutting and bolting the door. Why would you want to pack it all in and call it quits while still in your early 20’s? You are going to miss your life–but, this is just my opinion. I just hope she doesn’t end up sad, bitter and very disillusioned in her later years.