yea but the thing is, im a lector at church and the priest knows who i am, actually most of the priest know me, and im scared that if i tell him what i do, he will look down on me.
Uh, you might be surprised but the aim is absolution. Recieving absolution is the only thing you can do. I struggled with a grave sin for years and in fact, really didn’t know how grave it truly was until last year. It was so embarassing to confess such a sin and I suspect that embarassment is the shadow of pride…which is one of the devil’s most effective tools.
Once I realized the gravity of the matter, I felt compelled to pruge myself of this burden and find the relief of absolution. As fate would have it, I found myself, as if it were merely habitual, falling into the same ocassion and commiting the same offense. Again, I had to stuff my pride in my shoe and seek reconciliation. This went on several times, but I have avoided that particular sin for going on six months now.
It seems that society accepts much of what the Church deems sin, and thus it is truely a battle against the carnal longings of the world to maintain one’s purity. I love how you used the phrase “afraid they would look down on me”, considering that if such sin is unto death, then should it not be far greater to be looked down upon while on earth, than to be looked down upon from those in Heaven? (nudge, nudge…get it?)
I sure can appreciate the struggle you must be enduring because I know how challenging my own struggle it. The Crucifix suggestion is highly effective, especially regarding sins of a sexual nature. I first heard about that technique from a seminary student. I suppose that it hit me that such matters would surely be a serious issue to those young persons who are entering a life of celibacy and struggle with all of the external influences in our world.
I will keep you in my prayers and, please, above all else, go to confession. It would be a far greater damage to your soul to lector and partake of the Eucharist with mortal sin on your soul, than to expose your vounerabilities. A couple of questions do come to mind though…one, if you are a lector and are convicted that you cannot partake of the Eucharist with mortal sin on your soul, then wouldn’t you think that it would be noticable that you aren’t taking communion, and thus folks would suspect something anyway? Two, should it be that in the Church that Christ established, the same Christ who didn’t come for the righteous, but for the sinner, should it be surprising that sometimes these sinners actually sin once in awhile?
Take care.
Yours in Christ,