I think there's demon's in my home

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This is a disclaimer before i start, i know my account was made today and that is because i am desperate for answers and what to do. Around 4 months ago my mum was into new age and still is to a degree, she believes astrology. I recently converted but haven’t joined the church yet so i don’t know if that’s a problem. Recently (it started a few months ago) i have had “encounters” with entities. In the corner of my eye i have seen some very strange dark spots and whenever i look at the bench in the dining room of my house after 1am, i see a strange dog like thing. I have seen it multiple times but only in short glances so i don’t know if that is hallucinations. The worst part however is what my mum is experiencing, she has been getting numbers whenever she looks on clocks and timers (even if the time is wrong) and it almost always shows stuff like 11:11, 3:33 12:22, 4:44. She use to think that they were “guardian angel signs” and she even did stuff like third eye meditation and yoga. In my room and in my parents room we have dream catchers (I’m probably going to get rid of them soon) and she has crystals given to her from her mother. These crystals were imported from India btw. Also around 2 months ago at my grandparents house i had a dream about demonic possession and woke up at 3:33am when i checked the clock, my mum and dad have both had weird experiences there too. Also her glasses strangely go missing and we have a problem with the stove where it flicks on and off all night. Our house is full of Buddhist statues and a few years ago during renovation, a giant Buddhist statue broke in half and we buried it in the backyard. Even since then my family have had bad luck such as my dad getting multiple strokes, etc. Also my dog always looks towards the dining table and stairs. I’m 15 so i am not old enough to drive to the local parish so any help is appreciated. Also my parents do not want to get rid of the dreamcatchers and sage.
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Does your mother have a bible if she has tell her read it for the rest of her life if she has not buy one ask family members friends for help all the Dietys in the world of other religions can attach to you and send demons after you if you attach to them first I was possessed by a demon before I noticed me doing really bad stuff and then I could not understand why really bad stuff and bad things were happening me then I prayed to God to send a angel to help me one appeared and said I had a high level demon in me wile I was laying in bed I asked the spirit angel to remove it I was left with two huge scars on my arm by my bicep were the demon was dragged out and have been get help by a catholic priest to exercise any other demons or attachments from my life I was messing with new age occult before I found God and asked him for help so should you find a priest call and look for spirtual director which is any priest you find and read the Bible online and the book for information and help to get to heaven !
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