I have a problem, and I seem to be the only one. There are 3 things that I am confused about. Actually 2, the other I’m just mad about.
- There is a woman who has joined our church. She has a child, out of wedlock, and is/was (the living arrangements change monthly, she and their daughter move in, then she’s getting kicked out) living with the father of her child. The priest knows this, and allowed her to join the church. How? She was recently blessed by our bishop and I wanted to stand up in church and scream! She claims that she was born catholic, but she’s lived in this area all her life and she nor any of her family have stepped foot in the church except for her daughters christening.
- There is another woman who has 2 children by her husband (he’s not Catholic and they were married in a Baptist church). She is allowed to receive communion. Is this right?