I’m in my mid twenties, and until a year and half ago I was attending a seminary and working (I was a Protestant). I came back Catholic, and generally confused on what I was suppose to be doing in general. So I worked some odd jobs and well I kind of had a rough time of it, I even got in an accident that destroyed my car.
Now things are looking up, I finally got things together so I can substitute teach, and I’m working at another place too. I just started subing last week. I am also going back to school to be certified to teach ESL.
The problem I’m having right now is with my mom. She had a bad surgery last year where a doctor did some damage to her spinal cord. Her one arm is in pain constantly, and now her other arm is messed up do to over use. She decided recently to go on disibility at work because she was afraid they would fire her because she can’t keep up.
The issue is that I find myself getting really frustrated with my mom. I have been trying to help her with money and its the reason I’m keeping my first job… (Although I might still keep it to pay for school) I’m resenting her because I feel like she does nothing. The house is never cleaned etc…And whenever I’m home, its “get this for me, get that for me. Oh that hurts my arm…”
Then a couple of weeks ago, we found out that she has kidney stones. (My Grandmother died that day, and I had just spent the whole night working at my other job. My Aunt came to get me and said oh you have to go to the hospital with your mom.) I can honestly say I wasn’t pleased with my reaction to it, and I don’t understand why I was so mad.
Well, she had laser surgery today because of her kidney stones, and I had to take of both jobs to take her there. A couple of days ago, she had mentioned that she need someone to watch her for 24 hours. I had been pretty tired that day, but I remember I was really freaked out. I already had to give up subbing Monday (to take her to her surgery), and I was going to have to give it up again because of a mandatory school meeting/plus having to take kitty to the vet for declawing. By the time my mom mentioned me taking of on Tuesday it was a little late for me to get off on my second job since schedules come out on Friday!
However, my mom then said well my friends said she might be able to do it if she has no appointments and I’d be willing to pick her up. I know for a fact that I told my mom picking up her friend would not be a problem. It was a major relief to me.
I worked all weekened and she went away for the night with a friend, and if the friend was mentioned at all it was in passing.
So today when I was in the room for the laser surgery with her, she made mention of the fact that I was taking of tommorrow. I freaked out in the room and said what about your friend, and my mom said “Well I didn’t ask her because you sounded unsure!” I got really angry with her at that moment and said things I shouldn’t have said. I didn’t leave my mom oh everything is okay now… I was just two steaming mad to do so.
My mom says that I’m putting a price on her head, and she shouldn’t have to ask a friend to watch over her, because she has a daughter… I’m upset because my mom is getting nothing in disibility yet, we have a mortgage (that she didn’t pay last month), and I felt like she should have made at least an effort to get someone else to watch her tommorrow. I’m also looking at two weeks off anyways, so we really need the money, I’d be bringing in.
I just feel like my mom isn’t helping me at all. She’s not even meeting me close to half way. She’s unwilling to talk about things like moving into an apartment etc. We know fight about these kind of things all the time. A key kicker for me is the fact that my mom is unwilling to take my kitten to get declawed (something she wants not me.) I don’t want to have to take off time at work, and I just wish she’d help me out by driving him to the vets. She refuses saying that when we got the cat it would be my responsibility. (I get that I really do but her refusal to me is a symbol of the fact that she is just unwilling to help me whatsover.) Now, I’m planning on rescheduling so that I can take him during Christmas break, so I don’t lose out on teaching.
A key factor in my resentment is the feeling is this going to be my life for the next 30 some years?
Now things are looking up, I finally got things together so I can substitute teach, and I’m working at another place too. I just started subing last week. I am also going back to school to be certified to teach ESL.
The problem I’m having right now is with my mom. She had a bad surgery last year where a doctor did some damage to her spinal cord. Her one arm is in pain constantly, and now her other arm is messed up do to over use. She decided recently to go on disibility at work because she was afraid they would fire her because she can’t keep up.
The issue is that I find myself getting really frustrated with my mom. I have been trying to help her with money and its the reason I’m keeping my first job… (Although I might still keep it to pay for school) I’m resenting her because I feel like she does nothing. The house is never cleaned etc…And whenever I’m home, its “get this for me, get that for me. Oh that hurts my arm…”
Then a couple of weeks ago, we found out that she has kidney stones. (My Grandmother died that day, and I had just spent the whole night working at my other job. My Aunt came to get me and said oh you have to go to the hospital with your mom.) I can honestly say I wasn’t pleased with my reaction to it, and I don’t understand why I was so mad.
Well, she had laser surgery today because of her kidney stones, and I had to take of both jobs to take her there. A couple of days ago, she had mentioned that she need someone to watch her for 24 hours. I had been pretty tired that day, but I remember I was really freaked out. I already had to give up subbing Monday (to take her to her surgery), and I was going to have to give it up again because of a mandatory school meeting/plus having to take kitty to the vet for declawing. By the time my mom mentioned me taking of on Tuesday it was a little late for me to get off on my second job since schedules come out on Friday!
However, my mom then said well my friends said she might be able to do it if she has no appointments and I’d be willing to pick her up. I know for a fact that I told my mom picking up her friend would not be a problem. It was a major relief to me.
I worked all weekened and she went away for the night with a friend, and if the friend was mentioned at all it was in passing.
So today when I was in the room for the laser surgery with her, she made mention of the fact that I was taking of tommorrow. I freaked out in the room and said what about your friend, and my mom said “Well I didn’t ask her because you sounded unsure!” I got really angry with her at that moment and said things I shouldn’t have said. I didn’t leave my mom oh everything is okay now… I was just two steaming mad to do so.
My mom says that I’m putting a price on her head, and she shouldn’t have to ask a friend to watch over her, because she has a daughter… I’m upset because my mom is getting nothing in disibility yet, we have a mortgage (that she didn’t pay last month), and I felt like she should have made at least an effort to get someone else to watch her tommorrow. I’m also looking at two weeks off anyways, so we really need the money, I’d be bringing in.
I just feel like my mom isn’t helping me at all. She’s not even meeting me close to half way. She’s unwilling to talk about things like moving into an apartment etc. We know fight about these kind of things all the time. A key kicker for me is the fact that my mom is unwilling to take my kitten to get declawed (something she wants not me.) I don’t want to have to take off time at work, and I just wish she’d help me out by driving him to the vets. She refuses saying that when we got the cat it would be my responsibility. (I get that I really do but her refusal to me is a symbol of the fact that she is just unwilling to help me whatsover.) Now, I’m planning on rescheduling so that I can take him during Christmas break, so I don’t lose out on teaching.
A key factor in my resentment is the feeling is this going to be my life for the next 30 some years?