Interfaith parenting

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Say suppose, a Hindu man and a woman of Catholic belief get married and they decide to raise their children in interfaith of both religion. But though the children’s records will mention them as Hindus, they would taught and exposed to both the religions equally. So my question is: is it possible for them to still receive the sacraments such as Baptism, Holy communion and confirmation through their mother’s obligation?
For the Church to recognize a valid marriage between a Catholic and a non-Catholic, the Catholic part should be agree to raise any child Catholic. The other part should be aware of this promise.

The children who are baptized are Catholics. They are not equally Hindu or something other.

If the parents go to the Church to ask for baptism for a child they present as “Hindu”, I will not see that as possible.
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Isn’t there any way for the child to be baptized? “Hindu” would be just a title for all his records.
You would need to talk to your priest about this. Being from USA, i have no idea what it means when you say “the children’s records will mention them as Hindus”. We don’t really have such “records” here. A Catholic parent would be expected to baptize his or her child Catholic, and the parent is likely to have to take a course and fulfill other requirements as well. Once the child is baptized, the Church considers the child to be Catholic. If the parents put the kid down in some government survey as Hindu, or atheist, or just refused to provide the data, it wouldn’t matter, and such surveys are typically done optionally/ voluntarily; it’s not like we’re required to list the religion of a child before he can go to school or get a government benefit, so there aren’t “records” other than church records.
A bird and a fish may love each other, but, where will they make a home?

Teaching children two different sorts of Christianity is not easy, to teach children two opposite things will lead to confused Children.

Either Jesus is the only begotten son of the Triune God or he is not. Either Brahman is truth and reality or not.

Either the Church is the foundation of all truth or Vedas is is.

You can’t believe both at once.
So are you telling me that irrespective of the child’s father’s religion, he can get baptized through his mother’s faith alone?
The topic itself is about interfaith upbringing… And I’m asking about this because I’ve read about such cases… So I’m sorry but I don’t agree with you that the child can’t be brought up in both beliefs
Okay… got it.
Thanks for your feedback. Do post if you come across anything else with respect to this topic.
The nature of these forums is you post asking for the other forum members to respond.
that’s why scripture says not to be unequally yoked… also marriage would be much easier and less anxiety.
If the priest feels there is a well founded hope that the child will be raised as a Catholic. This is not something we can assume, it is a pastoral decision. If the parents go in saying “we intend to teach the child that both Christianity and Hinduism are right”, the priest may delay baptism.
D7c are you in India? It is going to be up to the Catholic Priest of your Parish to decide this. Can you go and speak to him before you marry.
Usually children can get baptized Catholic if the parent intends to raise them Catholic. You need to ask your priest yourself in person though.
If D7C is in India, it will be entirely up to the Catholic Priests. In some places they will only baptise if the parents themselves are practicing catholics. It is common for People to go from one denomination’s service to another and then to another on a Sunday or Saturday. So Priests are very strict about protocols and baptisms
You can’t practice two different religions. When you are initiated into the Christian Church more to the point the Catholic Church you fall under Her laws and practices. Foreign gods must be gone. That is first commandment type stuff…
We are , of course, presuming the OP is in a country other than the States. Which could be quite wrong on our parts.
This is true, but the last time a question came up on here about “records” being an issue for someone getting a sacrament (marriage in that person’s case), the person was in India. That plus Hindu made me think this might be an India situation again.
Hopefully the OP will come back and expand on this a little
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