This morning at Mass, I noticed that we did not observe the penitential rite at all. (We did not pray, “I confess to Almighty God, etc.”)
Then, before Holy Communion, five Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion processed to the altar before the celebrant had received Holy Communion (and of course, before the Agnus Dei). None genuflected or knelt after the Agnus Dei, or even before the Blessed Sacrament when approaching the altar.
One woman stood right beside the priest while distributing the Hosts, while two other EMHCs on either side distributed Hosts and the Chalices.
The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion nearest me gave a very profound blessing to a mentally/physically disabled person who approached. I have seen him do this before also. He touched his hand to the non-communicating person’s head, chest, and shoulders in a bold Sign-of-the-Cross blessing motion, but did not distribute the Host.
After Communion, the woman standing next to the priest reposed the Chalices and ciborium in the tabernacle!
My heart sank seeing all of this.
Were all of these things abuses?
What is the best course to take?
Then, before Holy Communion, five Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion processed to the altar before the celebrant had received Holy Communion (and of course, before the Agnus Dei). None genuflected or knelt after the Agnus Dei, or even before the Blessed Sacrament when approaching the altar.
One woman stood right beside the priest while distributing the Hosts, while two other EMHCs on either side distributed Hosts and the Chalices.
The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion nearest me gave a very profound blessing to a mentally/physically disabled person who approached. I have seen him do this before also. He touched his hand to the non-communicating person’s head, chest, and shoulders in a bold Sign-of-the-Cross blessing motion, but did not distribute the Host.
After Communion, the woman standing next to the priest reposed the Chalices and ciborium in the tabernacle!
My heart sank seeing all of this.
Were all of these things abuses?
What is the best course to take?