You know what? Yes, we are going to force Islam to change. We are going to force you to respect freedom of religion, speech, and human rights. We are going to force you to stop murdering Christians, selling them as slaves, or persecuting them as second class citizens. We are going to force you to treat people equally and to respect other peoples religious rights. We are going to stop you from stoning people to death. I don’t care if your caliph orders those things or not. We are going to stop it. In the end if Islam insists on such barbarism then we will have to end Islam.
Hi cestusdei,
I already relpied to your similar objection, in an another thread titled:
“Mariwan Halabjayee flees fatwa” in my posts # 72 & 73 at:
Here again you are making baseless unChristian arguements. Let me remind/refresh few points so that you should think twice next time before raising such issues.
First, you do not have ONE unified church which can be called a true church which follows the actual teachings of Jesus (because there are no accurate uncorrupted teachings of Jesus, in the first place…but that is another subject)
Second, there are thousands of different sects and cults within your Christendom; as such everyone of it, in his mind, is a true follower of Christ and all of his opponents are not. Thus if you (a Catholic) think, you are the only true follower of Christ, then Mormons and Seventh Day Adentists and the rest are not. And if they are on right path, then you are not.
Third, to have a true freedom of religion, all denominations must be allowed to preach their doctrines as well and whatever their Holy Ghosts inspired them. You cannot restrict all non-Catholics not to teach their non-Catholic faith to your catholic children. They too should have a full access to teach their Mormonism or Satanism or Female-parts worshipism right in your Vatican and right in front of Pope’s residence because they in their minds are doing and preaching the right thing and since you advocate freedom of religion. And I will go little further and demand from you to allow all pagans, satan-cults and nudist cult to teach their faith right in your Church during your Mass; then you will see how many will remain in their Catholicsm and how many will came out from their pants/panties.
At the present since there is no country on the face of the Earth which is based on Catholic teachings nor any European or any state of America allow any shred of Catholic/Protestant teachings in their schools nor in the affairs of government/State; thus you have nothing to display any example what Catholicism is all about. Because none of the majority of any Christian country likes to implement Catholic precepts thus Church and State are kept seperate as if they are sworn enemies to each other and there is no way to marry them. (I am sure you know the reason. If not just read the history of Papacy’s ruling period).
No Christian country allow any religious/Bible based theory when it comes to Darwin’s Evolution theory, let alone teaching the whole Catholicism.
Almost all Christian developed countries such as European and America, have given freedom to naturists, homosexuals, pornographers, gays, lesbians, gamblers, prostitutes etc. Not to mention how many drug users are in those countries who despite “restrictions” easliy get their usual dosages and spoil themselves and their young generation.
Even Italy and areas around holy Vatican are not safe from naturists, homosexuals, pornographers, gays, lesbians, gamblers, prostitutes and drug users etc. Italy’s law is secular. Secularism means no room for any shred of Catholicsm in any affair of State not even in the schools.
So where is the Catholicism and what is it’s real role in human individual and collective life/society?
Eversince papal authority lost her power, no Christain wants to see Papacy’s rule back again because what Papacy did in the name of religion is a nightmere and it is well-known and pages of history are filled with her “kind actions” especially her kind attitude towards the Jews.
So, if Christians and Christian countries themselves are not ready to recall Papal rule aagain and love to remain secular (anti-Christian), then on what basis you think you have a right to impose your Christianity on non-Christians by going against their will when you don’t even have a good example to demonstrate it’s workability nor you are a true follower of “turn the other cheak” philosophy?
Don’t you think people have a right to see some examples/samples of what you want to sell, before they buy your product?
If your product (Christianity) is rejected by ------------