It makes me so angry to hear the people that are supposed to be closest to me say things, which are so wrong. I see them show their true colors. It makes me so angry to see that my parents and my other family members show a truly liberal side when it comes to their Catholic faith. First they start talking about how it should be aloud for a priest to be married if he decides that he wants to. Then what really makes me mad is when they start to debate me over the subject of the Eucharist. I say that it is just as much the lay people’s fault if they ar enot well instructed in the faith as it is the priests and bishops fault. I held that you cannot lay the blame on them with the argument that the position of teacher of faith and doctrine only belongs to them. That is completely unbiblical and wrong! It says in the Bible that each and every Christian should know his faith and know it well, so that if they were to be challenged they wouldn’t just be able to keep their faith but tpo explain it to the other in a way that they understand it. The family emmbers which I talk about do not agree with me on that point. They believe that each person has their own job and that it is the job of the priests and bishops to know the faith as it is the job of a lawyer to know the law and neither should be required to know the field of study of the other. That is so wrong and unbiblical! Every Christian should know his faith and know it extremely well. The difference is that when a lawyer does his job as someone who defends the law, a priest or bishop does his job at GUIDING AND DECIDING on matters of the faith. Never has it been know that it was the job of the clergy alone to know and teach th efaith. My relatives believe that the fact that they don’t know well their faith is the fault of the clergy as if it were expected of the clergy to teach them their faith. That is so wrong and unbiblical!!! Every Christian must know his faith. A sheperd does not teach a sheep how to be a sheep, he merely guides the sheep into greener fields. It is the sheep who by instinct should learn how to eat the grass, walk, and follow its leader to survive. This is the typical attitude of pointing the finger at someone else for the blame. There is such a horrible ideology in the world today that the clergy should be fixing things and that the laity should just sit back and wait for the church to be fixed, and if the church is not fixed that it is the fault of the clergy because they did not “do their job.” That is absurd. God will bless his clergy for withstanding all this hypocrisy from many of these lay members, while He will judge these lay members for not picking up a Bible and Catechism and begin reading. This idea of auto-education of religion is not a new thing. It’s beginnings are found in the Bible when St. Peter told us that we must know our religion well enough to defend and explain it to those who challenge it. These people have bee spoiled by the clergy and now refuse to grow up! Like little babies who’s mother took away the bottle, they act as if they can’t or at any point weren’t able to pick up a Bible and read it! The clergy may have responsibility for some of the blame but let’s not forget that we CANNOT expect anything of themselves which we ourselves are not ready to do. We are just as much to blame for any problems in our modern day church as any of the clergy. We hold responsibility too. It just makes me so mad to hear these herecies being talked by members of my own family! I feel betrayed. What’s worse is that since I was the only one holding my point, they would all keep interrupting me and I never got my whole viewpoint across. I guess He meant it when Jesus said he was coming for division and not peace.