Kids who can't/won't clean

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I’m losing my mind here! I have spent the last four hours trying to get my 5yo and 3yo to pick up their stuff. After a mere two weeks of summer break, our house has been trashed and it’s not like we haven’t been picking up a bit each day. The fact is, my kids leave a wake of destruction with every move they make. If left to their own devices, they throw their toys on the floor. They throw their clothes on the floor. They leave their dishes on the table. They manage to leave dishes in random places between the table and the sink! They even make messes while they are cleaning. It’s as if they don’t have the attention span to finish even one single task unless it’s something they want to do.

During the school year, they are not home during the day, so it’s more manageable. We’ve already packed up most of their toys and only get out a few things at a time. We are able to get them to keep their rooms reasonable by telling them to pick up ten toys first before they get anything they want. (treats, games, one of the toys we packed up that we now have to get out for them, time to play outside, TV, etc) It’s a lot of struggle, but it’s doable.

The summer is another story. They can wreck a room in one minute and it takes hours for them to clean it up. I’m trying to keep them outside as much as possible, but I have an infant to take care of. My 5yo is actually the worst of the two. She decide she needs some toy and will dump everything in her room out, trying to find it. She will change her clothes multiple times a day, throwing clean clothes on the floor and leaving the clothes she had been wearing all over the house. There’s a pile of hair ties accumulating in almost every room of the house. When she’s told to put something away, we’ll find it in the middle of the floor, two or three feet away from where it’s supposed to be put. When she goes in the bathroom, she turns soap and toothpaste into artistic medium. She never closes the bottle either. She will make herself some toast, forget she made it, leave it on a plate somewhere, and then make herself more toast. I think she has ADD. They’ve both lost so many privileges and had their toys taken away, and while they get upset, they don’t seem to remember it when they are trashing the joint.

Ironically, the only thing they are good at putting away are their shoes. They’re almost obsessed with it. It’s ironic because when I was a kid, I was pretty good of keeping my messes reined into my own space, but the thing that made my parents the most mad was that I would leave my shoes wherever I took them off. Shoes are the only thing my kids WILL put away diligently!

Anyone have any advice? Do I need to strip their rooms entirely?
If you are trying to teach your kids to clean up a huge mess after they make it, then that may not work so well. So, for example, if they are in the playroom playing for an hour, and then it is a wreck, and then you try to force them to clean it up…that doesn’t usually work. What you want to do is teach them to pick up behind themselves “as they go”. So if they pull down a puzzle and play with it for five minutes, you require them to pick it up properly and put it back in its box and put the box back on the shelf before they are allowed to take down another toy.

This can be an arduous process. It means you have to monitor them, not just turn them loose for an hour or two and then come back to a huge mess. However, I have seen this method work with 100% efficacy. It is simple. They aren’t allowed to make the kind of mess you are describing.

In the end, you will be teaching your kids how to be organized in the way they go through their day. It is a skill that will serve them well through life.

Please note, I am not suggesting that kids shouldn’t be allowed to be kids, etc. You aren’t restricting their freedom. You are only requiring them to see one thing through from start to finish, before they are able to embark on something else.
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Mimimalizing helps so much.

Kids don’t need a ton of books and toys and craft supplies and games.

Box up everything except 28 books (that is 4 per day for a week), and some chapter books for bedtime reading.

5 toys per child, the rest go into boxes.

3 games/puzzles per child.

Rotate new books and new toys monthly.
Basically you little ones do this because you let them. This is where you need to become very firm and teach them to respect their things and your home. Why would you allow your daughter to change her clothes several times a day? If she isn’t responsible enough to put things away, don’t let her do it. The habits children learn early in the home are the ones they take with them to school and further on.

I would have a locked closet or box, or a high up place they can’t get to. Everything they leave laying out will go in the locked away area until a time you decide.

I just finished a week of helping with Vacation Bible School. It was easy to see which kids learned respect for belongings and those who hadn’t. It takes work and it is hard starting out, but it will save you a ton of grief later on.
Use a combo of carrot and stick. Rewards for good behavior and time our and loss of privileges for failure to pick up. Limit the choices. And don’t allow the daughter to change clothes multiple times, leave clothes laying around, make a mess in the bathroom. Those are timeout and loss of reward behaviors.

Purge and give away or box up most toys.

Playtime stops and things are picked up before bed each night. If things aren’t tidy in the morning, they get tidy before playtime. Set timers for playtime, cleanup time, etc.

It’s going to be a lot of repetition and showing you will follow through. Watch SuperNanny reruns for chore chart, reward and discipline techniques.

At that age, you just have to use repetition and stop what you are doing and wait until they do what you want them to do.
She changes her clothes several times while deciding on an outfit, or when she has to change her clothes because she got them dirty or wet. Then I’ll go into her room and see all the outfits she tried on, flopped around the room. I don’t normally watch her dress, as I have younger children who need my help to get dressed.

I do confiscate the things they leave out or stuff under the furniture. We call it the Broom of Doom. I give them a time limit for picking up and then the broom comes out. It works great for the amount of mess they can cause in the time between when we get home and when dinner is served, but when they’ve been home all day, I’d be carrying that broom around so much people would mistake me for a witch! They do get upset when their stuff is taken, but they don’t remember for long. They also make messes with things I can’t confiscate like towels, pillows, toilet paper, etc. I don’t even know why they have all these toys. They can make toys (and a mess) out of anything they can get their hands on. Surprisingly, both of their classroom teacher compliment them for how well they clean up during cleanup time, so they obviously know how to do it.
Surprisingly, both of their classroom teacher compliment them for how well they clean up during cleanup time, so they obviously know how to do it.
They are playing you, mom.
She changes her clothes several times while deciding on an outfit, or when she has to change her clothes because she got them dirty or wet. Then I’ll go into her room and see all the outfits she tried on, flopped around the room. I don’t normally watch her dress, as I have younger children who need my help to get dressed.
So flip the routine. The 5 yo helps you get the others ready before she gets ready and then you monitor her, give her 3 tops and 2 pant or whatever to choose from and once she’s dressed, no changing. If she gets wet she’ll dry. If she gets dirty, then select a replacement outfit yourself and have her put the dirty ones in the hamper right then before she does anything else.
Sorry, but I’m laughing as I read this. At this very moment I have glitter disaster in my living room. I have glitter in my hair from attempting to get at least most of it up before my baby decides it looks appetizing. The older baby “decorated” for me. I should be proud right?

I had forgotten that I had glitter in a box that wasn’t yet sealed (we are packing to move). Yes, kids are worse than tornados sometimes.
We’ve had some long standoffs already this week! That’s why I’m so sick of it! I feel like its all I do. They do lose privileges and are required to clean up the mess, but it takes forever and I have to check it several times before they are done. It’s hard because I’m trying to make meals and nurse this baby at the same time and they didn’t act like this last summer.
This is the time where you have to take absolute control over what goes on in the home. You choose her clothes, take away most of the toys, kids don’t need that many. Towels are to be hung up or put in the laundry. Pillows stay on the bed. Don’t let them play with toilet paper. You will need to get very firm, very fair, and extremely consistent. They most likely know there are no real consequences for their behavior, so they continue to do as they like.
That’s the problem. I don’t want absolute control. It’s flipping exhausting to have to micromanage every blessed move two other human beings make, even when they’re using the john! Am I supposed to stand there watching my 5yo take a dump, yelling “Hey! Don’t touch that duck-shaped soap! Just because it looks like a toy doesn’t mean you can play with it! And that’s a towel, not a cape, Batman! Hey! Enough with the TP origami! Those pieces count toward your six squares a person, Missy!” And what’s my other kid getting into while this is going on?

I want them to be responsible for themselves. I want them to be able to choose what to play with, play with it, and put it away. Does it have to look perfect? No. Will they need help sometime? Probably. But I’d like them to be able to manage not to trash the house without me hanging over their shoulder. Is that impossible? Maybe?
I want them to be responsible for themselves. I want them to be able to choose what to play with, play with it, and put it away. Does it have to look perfect? No. Will they need help sometime? Probably. But I’d like them to be able to manage not to trash the house without me hanging over their shoulder. Is that impossible? Maybe?
At 3 and 5 that is a bit too much for them. Right around 6 or 7 things start falling into place. It happens almost overnight it seems, so hang in there for a little longer.

For now, just keep reminding them of what is expected. A bedtime routine that includes toy clean up before bath and story helps sometimes. As they clean remind them that if they put things away after they used it then they wouldn’t have much work to do and might have time for an extra story.

On days that are nice, have them play outside instead. That helps keep the inside clean.
Yeah, I’m already trying to keep them outside as much as possible. I needed them to get their room straightened up today so I could mop the floors because we are having people over. I know the 3yo isn’t necessarily ready to clean up without some instruction, but he isn’t the one making most of the mess anyway. I would think a 5yo would be able to be responsible for putting her things away. She already puts her clothes away when we bring up the laundry and she’s been able to put her toys away before. We’ve significantly limited the toys she has access to without permission so that her room is more manageable for her. She knows she’s supposed to take her plate to the kitchen after she eats, but earlier today, I found a plate with the remnants of Wednesday’s spaghetti dinner sitting on a chair under the kitchen table. Why the heck would she put it there?!
I have to be honest with you. It sounds like you are a mess. If a parent is a mess, then of the course they kids are going to follow suit.

Having children can be exhausting. But if you are only finding a dirty dinner plate from Wednesday today (Friday), then it means the house isn’t in order. And I mean “house” figuratively.

Maybe it would be best to focus on what it will take to get household management up to speed. Is your husband in the picture? Does he help? What other types of support are available to you? Maybe use paper plates instead of dishes? The point is that if the kids are seeing that it is “OK” to leave dirty dishes sitting around like that, they are getting the message that it isn’t that important to keep things up.

Again, please don’t take this as criticism. I know how hard it is to raise kids and run a household. Kids pick up on things we may not think they would. Is it possible they are receiving an unspoken message that orderliness isn’t really a priority?
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There were nine children, and a three bedroom house. Things got untidy sometimes.
Everybody snapped to on those carefully spaced period when Mum would stand in the hall mixing metaphors in a voice we all heard.
“I’m on the warpath! All hands on deck!”
Instant-every-child’s-response, a flurry of tidying in every part of the house.
It wasn’t till we were grown that she admitted to finding the effect of her clarion call entertaining enough for a private giggle with our Dad.

That worked for my mother. A mother who might be trying not to laugh over any of her children’s misbehavior, with a decided “I may be laughing, but I still mean what I say.” We knew she did.
(It’s taken a lot of years, but even my husband has learned to use humor to correct my faults and oversights.)

Please God you’ll find the best formula for your family.
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That’s the problem. I don’t want absolute control. It’s flipping exhausting to have to micromanage every blessed move two other human beings make, even when they’re using the john! Am I supposed to stand there watching my 5yo take a dump, yelling “Hey! Don’t touch that duck-shaped soap! Just because it looks like a toy doesn’t mean you can play with it! And that’s a towel, not a cape, Batman! Hey! Enough with the TP origami! Those pieces count toward your six squares a person, Missy!” And what’s my other kid getting into while this is going on?
You can’t have it both ways. You want them to be responsible for themselves but you don’t want to teach them how to be responsible for themselves. I never said anything about having to stand over them every second. It’s about have very clear expectations and very clear consequences for not meeting them. Then you have to be very consistent in dealing with the children.

Many of us here have been there, little ones at home and a new baby to add to the mix. It’s not easy but it certainly is doable. But you are the one in charge, you are the one who’s lead the kids follow. You said they are different at school. It may be they have very clear expectations and clear consequences while there.
I don’t think I’m a mess. We really only use the kitchen table for serving, when there are a lot of people over and the plate was sitting on the seat of a chair that was tucked under the table. That’s why I didn’t notice it until today, when I was trying to get it set up for the guests we have coming over. My husband is certainly in the picture and he certainly does his share of housework. I don’t think my daughter thinks its “okay” to leave dishes around. She got up from the table and took her plate to the kitchen, like she was supposed to. She just put it in a really weird place. I suspect she was headed toward the sink and let herself get distracted by something and set it down on the nearest surface and forgot to pick it up again which is somewhat her MO. We don’t normally leave dirty dishes laying around the house, with the exception of occasionally forgetting a coffee cup on the end table. That’s alot of the problem with both the kids. They get easily distracted. If I tell her to pick up the books, she starts reading one. If I tell him to put the laundry away, I come back and he’s got all his shoes in a “train” around the floor!
It may be different issues,Alegra,hard to tell…
Have you tried time alone with each weekly?
And also some differentiated privilege for your 5 yo. so that as it is acknowledged she is " older" 🙂 for some duties,she also is to gain a little privilege( a special drawer, turn off the light a little bit later and stay reading, a little something…).
If there is an issue with their span of attention or something to consult about, it would normally show at school…unless they are not equipped to detect it…
And since you have said that nothing has been noted at school, maybe it has to do with home dynamics.

All this without knowing you or your children ,but time alone with each at a time ( weekly ,special spot,and as you can…)to talk,listen,relaxed,all attention there as if he/ she were the one and only,works marvels…and this little piece of wisdom was handed down to me by a friend who has 9 kids all grown ups now…
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