Krauthammer on Christmas

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From columnist Charles Krauthammer:

The attempts to de-Christianize Christmas are as absurd as they are relentless. The United States today is the most tolerant and diverse society in history. It celebrates all faiths with an open heart and open-mindedness that, compared to even the most advanced countries in Europe, are unique.

Yet more than 80 percent of Americans are Christian and probably 95 percent of Americans celebrate Christmas. Christmas Day is an official federal holiday, the only day of the entire year when, for example, the Smithsonian museums are closed. Are we to pretend that Christmas is nothing but an orgy of commerce in celebration of … what? The winter solstice?

"…Some Americans get angry at parents who want to ban carols because they tremble that their kids might feel different'' and uncomfortable’’ should they, God forbid, hear Christian music sung at their school. I feel pity. What kind of fragile religious identity have they bequeathed their children that it should be threatened by exposure to carols?
**** I’m struck by the fact that you almost never find Orthodox Jews complaining about a Christmas creche in the public square. That is because their children, steeped in the richness of their own religious tradition, know who they are and are not threatened by Christians celebrating their religion in public. They are enlarged by it.

**** It is the more deracinated members of religious minorities, brought up largely ignorant of their own traditions, whose religious identity is so tenuous that they feel the need to be constantly on guard against displays of other religions – and who think the solution to their predicament is to prevent the other guy from displaying his religion, rather than learning a bit about their own.

**** To insist that the overwhelming majority of this country stifle its religious impulses in public so that minorities can feel ``comfortable’’ not only understandably enrages the majority, but commits two sins. The first is profound ungenerosity toward a majority of fellow citizens who have shown such generosity of spirit toward minority religions.
**** The second is the sin of incomprehension – a failure to appreciate the uniqueness of the communal American religious experience. Unlike, for example, the famously tolerant Ottoman Empire or the generally tolerant Europe of today, America does not merely allow minority religions to exist at its sufferance. It celebrates and welcomes and honors them.

**** America transcended the idea of mere toleration in 1790 in Washington’s letter to the Newport synagogue, one of the lesser known glories of the Founding: ``It is now no more that toleration is spoken of, as if it was by the indulgence of one class of people, that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights.’’

**** More than two centuries later, it is time that members of religious (and anti-religious) minorities, as full citizens of this miraculous republic, transcend something too: petty defensiveness. ."
Good to see Krauthammer making sense here, though he exhibited paranoia in his castigation of and slanderous remarks about The Passion.
O’Reilly (who I don’t always agree with) said last night that if you are upset about about a depiction of a newborn baby, then you need a psychiatrist. I thought it was a good one, and true.
Good to see Krauthammer making sense here, though he exhibited paranoia in his castigation of and slanderous remarks about The Passion.
That’s one of the reasons I was so surprised to see this column.
That’s one of the reasons I was so surprised to see this column.
I think it is harder for a non-Christian or someone without faith to “get” The Passion, then it is to “get” Christmas joy. The Passion speaks deeply of Jesus’ diviinity and his passion. Christmas Nativity sccenes are more easily accessible.

Not a value judgement, just my 2 cents

Merry Christmas!
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