Kyoto Treaty Unmasked as Sham

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After a relentless attack on the United States for opposing the Kyoto Protocol, environmental groups concede the international treaty will have no impact on what they believe to be impending catastrophic global warming.

Despite the fact that green groups at the U.N. climate summit in Buenos Aires called President George Bush “immoral” and “illegitimate” for not supporting the Kyoto Protocol, the groups themselves concede the Protocol will only have “symbolic” effect on climate because they believe it is too weak. Kyoto is an international treaty that seeks to limit greenhouse gases of the developed countries by 2012.

“I think that everybody agrees that Kyoto is really, really hopeless in terms of delivering what the planet needs,” Peter Roderick of Friends of the Earth International told CNS.\SpecialReports\archive00412\SPE20041217a.html
It always has been a sham. I don’t need the envrionmentalists to sanction my understanding.
At one time NOAA had a chart on its website showing the climate over the last million years. There are 10 ice ages, and ten inter-glacial periods on that chart – roughly one period of global cooling followed by a period of global warming every 100,000 years.

According to that chart, we are slightly behind schedule (the Little Ice Age put us behind.)

The idea that we can PREVENT global warming is rediculous.
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