Late vocation - Dowry

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I am discerning a vocation at age 58. I know it’s late but I have few health issues and I would come with a nest egg or dowry to make up for work years in a monastery lost. Do communities generally accept discerners with these circumstances?
Dowries are no longer required. The nuns suggest that you bring enough funds with you to enable you to get back home, should you discern out.

The Visitation was founded for those of less robust health. Here is my organization’s clearinghouse site for the First Federation in the US, which is cloistered:

We also offer Safe Harbor Vocation Support for all discerners, but most particularly cloistered discerners. Please click the first link after my name for more information.

Please click the second link if you’d be interested in staying where you are, and living a life of devotion as a Congregational Recluse in our emerging charism.

Mrs Cloisters OP
Lay Dominican
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God be praised if any good comes from this keyboard (and the operator!). I canvassed the monasteries when I was in college, especially about dowries, as my parents were very poor. Everyone said the person should bring sufficient funds for return. In some cases, the discerner had to pay their way to the monastery, but the nuns would pay for the return trip. Each monastery is different, so be sure to inquire.
Cloisters - Thanks for the response. I didn’t mean dowry in the historical sense. In essence, it ends up being the nest egg that I have accumulated, or part thereof, to compensate for the older age. My concern is two-fold. I don’t want a community to be tempted to accept me because of that, even if we aren’t as compatible as we should be. And, I don’t want a discernment process to be clouded by the money.

Make sense?

No, I’ve never heard of such a situation. The nuns are supposed to be experts at discernment, and can tell whether you belong with them or not. The nest egg would be irrelevant. You’d turn over the funds to the community when you make Perpetual profession. You could arrange with the community to make monthly donations, but they would not be able to pay you back should you end up leaving.

Many years ago, I did field a vocation inquiry for my own Charism, and the person said they could make a monthly donation. We were too new to the point of not having a building. We still don’t have a building, and everyone is responsible for their own upkeep.

I always advise cloister discerners to make a retreat with the Visitation nuns so they can see if they can tolerate being behind the wall. You’d also need to get used to them seeing right through you, too.
@mburnhors one of the elements of going into to a monastery is that you leave the worldly behind. The main part is your vocation and a life choice of living for Christ. Practical considerations? Most religious orders have their own economical structure implemented, in that they produce something or provide some service - you will be integrated into the structure of the order. Also, the nuns and monks lead a life, for the most part, detached from material goods…They have a few changes of clothes and a couple pairs of footwear. That is all they want or need. They are given their chambers, and the chance of living a life according to the rules of the order.

Health care, depends on the country. In some countries you have national health service and the religious are entitled to it as are all national citizens. In other countries there is collective health insurance, so you are covered and that fixed annual expense is shared by all members of the clergy.

As for dowry, it is far from essential and at maximum an accessory. I have known of nuns and monks accepted into religious orders that were deprived of financial resources. The question is only if this is what you really want and if you are not mistaken about your vocation.
adgoriam - Thanks for the response. The reason why I’m looking for a monastery to join is to do that very thing. I want to put a wall between me and the rest of the world so I can pray in peace and quiet. The reason why I was concerned about a dowry, and not the token $500, is that so many communities have an age limit much younger than the age that I am. I’m trying to find a way to eliminate that as a potential issue. If there are other reasons for noncompatability, that is another question. After all, I don’t have as much time to discern as a young woman in her 20s.
You’ll have to discern just like anyone else. However, make the Visitation retreat because the wall is real. I have a listing of American cloisters on the first link under my name. See where you are attracted and then see if they will accept you.

The Nuns of Adoration; the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration; the Capuchin Poor Clares; and the Visitation have been known to accept older vocations. I think the Norbertine Canonesses in Tehachapi, CA, accept older vocations, as well. If you don’t get accepted for the cloister, there is always the extern vocation. A delayed vocation I supported ended up an extern.
Cloisters - I hadn’t even thought of the extern option. Can one move from extern to complete seclusion?
Not usually. The extern vocation is a proper vocation in and of itself. Some communities have them sleep in the external part of the monastery. Others bring them into the cloister at night and for formation.

What kind of seclusion are you talking about? Please read the different order links on my site, and become familiar with the different degrees of cloister.

Cloister is God and the soul. The building is irrelevant. Please keep this in mind.
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