Leftist Venezuelan prez bolstered by oil prices

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I thought this guy was toast five months ago, but he seems to be a very wily politician. Who says money can’t buy friends?

Other background: Venezuela is a founding member of OPEC. Chavez has always been leftward-leaning, with close ties to Fidel Castro. But he’s become more anti-American in recent years. Headed failed military coup in 1992. After election in 1998, supplanted Congress with an elected Constitutional assembly, ruled by decree for a year, enacted Robin Hood-style land reforms, survived a coup, two general strikes, was the first democratically elected president to visit Saddam Hussein since the Gulf War, and called President Bush a Spanish vulgarity meaning “a pubic hair”. Survived a recall vote in August. Chavez periodically clashes with Catholic leaders in the country (then again, the same could be said for many on this board).
Chávez extends regional muscle
Flush with cash from high oil prices, Venezuela’s president is pushing his leftist vision across the region.

By Mike Ceaser
The Christian Science Monitor
December 20, 2004

CARACAS, VENEZUELA – Record world oil prices have filled Venezuela’s treasury and helped President Hugo Chávez and his “Bolivarian Revolution for the poor” win two elections in recent months. Now, freed from worries about domestic political opposition, Mr. Chávez is using his new wealth to extend his influence beyond his nation’s borders - and perhaps escalate his long-running confrontation with Washington, say observers…
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