Jesus tells us that there is no greater love than to sacrifice one’s life for another. There are some implications in that statement I think. I was thinking about if you had a mate that you loved very much and how difficult it might be to lay down your life because you also lay down all that desire you have for the future with them. If you had no mate would that make it easier? If a person who had very little in terms of personal relationships and other things laying down less than one who does have them? Does the one who has more have greater love than the one who has less? I take Jesus to tell the truth. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s own life for another. He makes no difference in what the person has. Life is life. The one who has little sacrifices the same as the one who has much. Life. Anyone who sacrifices his own life for another has as great of love as Jesus. There is no greater love. Life is life. No one’s life is worth less than anyone else’s life.