What kind of transportation? How far away?
What are the ages?
There is one thing I wish I could scream from the roof tops about those who take their kids to the march:
It’s a pet peeve of mine in daily life, but every single time I have gone on the march, I see kid after kid dressed so scantily it makes me want to cry.
I remember two years ago when it was snow and ice, with a negative wind chill. Here I am wearing 3 or 4 layers, gloves, a hat, scarf, a big winter coat…and along comes a couple with two kids in a wagon.
The couple is dressed just like me. But their two kids (a 5 or 6 year old and an infant) were wearing pants and long sleeved shirts. Not even a blanket! All I could do was stare!
This happens frequently. I don’t know. Am I just sensitive? I just remember seeing strollers with freezing kids. It was horrible.