Meat Pies and CHina

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Everytime someone starts on Politics, I get this uncontrollable urge to rant about Meat pies…

IN the news tonight, CNN, there was talk about how CHina wants to over take the US as the worlds leading superpower. There was news about how Walmart only pays employees an average of $9.00 and hour. (#&$#&$. I made $9 an hour at my union Grocery store job. These people are so full of it. If Walmart paid $9 an hour Id be pushing carts tommorow. They didnt mention that Walmart only ever has 4 cashiers for Christmas and the customers walk around busting stuff up and throwing it on the floor. Than they wound the whole thing up with next year CHina and Russia would be doing war games together…

I tell you it doesnt look good at all. I swear we are all going to wind up in Meat pies…

Watch another famous movie made by Mel Gibson. Not the passion of the CHrist but the movie about all the Chicken people that lived in a concentration Camp. Its called Chicken Run. The Chickens are being fattend up for MEat PIes and Fr Benedict Groeschel has been saying the same thing.
Everytime someone starts on Politics, I get this uncontrollable urge to rant about Meat pies…

IN the news tonight, CNN, there was talk about how CHina wants to over take the US as the worlds leading superpower. There was news about how Walmart only pays employees an average of $9.00 and hour. (#&$#&$. I made $9 an hour at my union Grocery store job. These people are so full of it. If Walmart paid $9 an hour Id be pushing carts tommorow. They didnt mention that Walmart only ever has 4 cashiers for Christmas and the customers walk around busting stuff up and throwing it on the floor. Than they wound the whole thing up with next year CHina and Russia would be doing war games together…

I tell you it doesnt look good at all. I swear we are all going to wind up in Meat pies…

Watch another famous movie made by Mel Gibson. Not the passion of the CHrist but the movie about all the Chicken people that lived in a concentration Camp. Its called Chicken Run. The Chickens are being fattend up for MEat PIes and Fr Benedict Groeschel has been saying the same thing.
We may indeed end up in meat pies.God Have Mercy on us and lets pray for Chinas conversion:crying:…15730558print=0
I like meat pies. I am making about a half dozen or so for the holidays. Does that make me a bad person?
There was news about how Walmart only pays employees an average of $9.00 and hour. (#&$#&$. I made $9 an hour at my union Grocery store job. These people are so full of it. If Walmart paid $9 an hour Id be pushing carts tommorow.
Average employee pay at WalMart in 2003-2004 was $8.23 an hour.

– Mark L. Chance.
mlchance said:
Average employee pay at WalMart in 2003-2004 was $8.23 an hour.

– Mark L. Chance.

Right, and average takes into account everyone from the Store Manager to the front door greeter. I assure you, that old fella at the front passing out smiley face stickers makes less than $8.23 an hour.
I would be willing to make a small wager. The Store manager makes about $50,000 ayear with a $50,000 bonus, which is say $50 an hour and the greeter in teh wheel chair probably gets $5-$7 an hour and suppliments it with SSI. So he is making maybe $26,000 a year after Social Welfarity gives him maybe $6,000-$9,000 it might be enough for him to buy a new Wheel chair and a $1. bus tranfer for the MVA. The Chashier is probably making $6-$7.

I remember a few years ago a Bishop that might have been a Cardinal but his orders were sealed because he was in CHina disappeared. So while we have alot of CHristians and Catholics in CHina. The Government can make them kneel and break their legs as it is a communist country and having any faith in anything other than a Evil government can get you made into an Offering for him.
When I saw this thread title, I thought it would be about dogs in Chinese meat pies! :eek:
When I saw this thread title, I thought it would be about dogs in Chinese meat pies! :eek:
The Chinese aren’t particularly fond of dog meat. That would be the Koreans, and pugs are their favorite species. So, when you get a hot dog in Korea, you may be literally getting what you ask for.
I would be willing to make a small wager. The Store manager makes about $50,000 ayear with a $50,000 bonus, which is say $50 an hour and the greeter in teh wheel chair probably gets $5-$7 an hour and suppliments it with SSI. So he is making maybe $26,000 a year after Social Welfarity gives him maybe $6,000-$9,000 it might be enough for him to buy a new Wheel chair and a $1. bus tranfer for the MVA. The Chashier is probably making $6-$7.
A $50,000 bonus? Wow. I should go work for Walmart. Even the $26,000 a year sounds nice, considering starting Saturday I’m unemployed.

I’d try to bring my post back to the topic of the OP, but quite frankly, I can’t figure out what the actual topic is. Are you bashing Walmart, or China? Or meat pies?
I like meat pies. I am making about a half dozen or so for the holidays. Does that make me a bad person?
No of course not, read the links under my post and you will understand.God Bless:crying:
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