In reference to Det 7:12-14 God promises us that we will be fertile and produce healthy babies. So why do people have miscarriages and have retarded babies if they are practicing and believing Catholics?
I have often wondered this myself. “Why, oh why God do I have to suffer like this? I am a “good” person, I practice my Faith??” I have had miscarriages, and also my husband and I have experienced years of infertility. Sometimes I have been angry and bitter about this. I cling to my belief that God knows what He is doing. We have beautiful children through adoption. So, I believe that is why He chose us to suffer this cross. He wanted us to be blessed with the children we have. Out of bad, comes good. Please refer to the article cited in the “Infertility” sticky above. It is a beautiful reflection.In reference to Det 7:12-14 God promises us that we will be fertile and produce healthy babies. So why do people have miscarriages and have retarded babies if they are practicing and believing Catholics?
CatholicSam - this was such a great answer!!Mary, the absolutely pure and sinless woman, the most perfect creature God every made, was not spared the loss of her own Son. How can we expect our flawed “goodness” to protect us from similar pain in miscarriage?