“Maybe there is something medically wrong…”
This attitude I think is due to over use of the pill in our society. Menstruation can be painful sometimes, that is normal. It has been “fixed” for so many girls and women just by putting them on the pill that it is atrocious; that periods have become a major inconvenience and something to be avoided rather than a normal bodily function. I wish we could bring back some of the traditional sensitivity society held for women during “that time of the month”.
Most of the young women I know have had painful periods that have caused them to miss work, school, or Mass. I have one friend whose uterine cramps were measured to be stronger than those of a women in active labor–and she has no detectable medical problem… Women don’t have them in extreme pain necessarily all the time, but on occassion. There is nothing wrong with those people, it’s just the way the female body works. I have gone to Mass with such painful cramps and nausea that I almost passed out, and I know that for women who miss Mass due to their period, nothing more is going on than their body having a particularly difficult time of month, and they should be able to stay home.
As for not hiriing people b/c they sometimes might have to take a sick day due to their period—shame on you!! Having a period is frequently a lot worse than having a cold or the flu…