That’s a pretty common view, but it isn’t quite accurate. There was an attitude ‘back then’ which was backed up not only by medical professionals, i.e. psychologists, as well as legal professionals, i.e. lawyers, police, courts, that is very different from today’s attitude.
One can compare it to the attitude in the U.S. about abortion. Prior to R v W, abortion across the board was viewed as evil, or at best, as a ‘last resort’ in certain extreme situations. Today, it’s a legal right and defended as not just right and good in some situations, but a positive blessing --for the aborted child above all, lest he be born ‘unwanted’.
It wasn’t just the "Catholic Church’; it was the Baptist Church, the Jewish synagogue, the local schools, the Scouts, and private citizens. It was considered (again, this is by medical and legal professionals, not “The Church’ going against professionals, or in the face of every other church or group who 'let it all hang out”) in the best interest of the victim, as well as the perp (who often claimed innocence and in the face of there usually being no witnesses) to settle this without harming the reputations of either person.
I know it’s ‘hard to believe’ but until the 1990s 'The Church", in reassigning men who were CURED (according to MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS), was following medical and legal advice given to EVERY OTHER 'GROUP".
So why do so many single out the Catholic Church as if only it ‘covered up’, and only for the basest of motives, without telling the whole truth?