My child treated poorly at Church event

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I have a question about my son’s participation in a Church event. Before I ask my question, I need to explain the unique environment that exists in my town.

About 150 years ago, our town began this celebration where they crowned a high school aged king and queen and a junior king and queen selected from the “Royal” families in the town. The selected Royal families spends probably 10’s of thousands of dollars to host the weekend long event. They also spend thousands of dollars for their entire family to have royal clothing sewn (from the finest materials). All children of these “Royal” families are dressed head to toe in expensive clothes, adorned in long trains, jeweled crowns, scepters etc. All the while, other children (the commoners) are dressed in costumes made out of refrigerator boxes that correspond to the “theme” of the coronation and pageantry. These Royal children parade around the town. One evening they host the junior king and queen coronation and pageant. A second evening they host the senior king and queen coronation. They have continued this 150-year-old tradition of only choosing Royals from the “elites” of the town. Most of the Royals are from generations and generations of the same handful of families. However, if you are a doctor or lawyer or hold some other prominent position you are allowed access to this “elite” group and your family is eligible to become a Royal Family. I was not born in this town, so I believe this festival is a hypocrisy and I refuse to allow my children to participate in the division of classes that this festival promotes. As long as I have lived in this town, I have noticed that the festival is largely ignored by most of the citizens that live in this town. A lot of the common folks in town notice the poor treatment and exclusion that they receive from the members of the elites or the “royal” families.

Unfortunately, a lot of these “elites” and Royal families attend the Catholic Church. The mom’s group is mostly run by these elite mothers. Therefore, it is cliquish. It is difficult for me to get into this group because they know my children do not participate in the “Royal” pageantry. These same elite mothers coordinate the May Crowning and the Living Rosary. I have noticed that they treated my child poorly before the Living Rosary. Afterward, my child was upset on the way home. My child felt like the coordinating mothers did not want him/her to participate. I know that we must teach our children about the importance of participating in the Church community and that adversity will happen in life. Also, most of my other Catholic friends do not participate in such Church events. I have persevered because I felt my reverence to Our Lady was the only reason my family attended.

So my question is this; should I allow my child to continue to participate in the May Crowning next year? Or should I have a special ceremony at home with my family to honor the Blessed Mother?

Thank you for reading my post.
Your town sounds like the setting of a dystopian novel.
150 years is enough. Gather all of your Catholic friends that don’t attend together and have your own May crowning. Then have refreshments afterward. 🙂
I have never heard about such practices, especially when connected to the church. Can you go to another church, close enough to you, but not affected by the ‘royal’ families? They can have their fake royalty if they want, but the church should be free from it.
It sounds awful!Do places like this really exist??!

OP, if you don’t mind, where is this place?
Is it in US etc?
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This sounds bizarre. Doesn’t the pastor of the parish see that a large number of his parishioners are not participating in the parish church events? Hasn’t anyone ever mentioned to him that the non-elite are being excluded or treated badly?

Where exactly is this?

Edited to add, nevermind, i think I found it. (OP, you may want to remove your real name from your profile. )

While the event (assuming I found the right one) doesn’t look quite as terrible as described, I can see why someone, especially someone who didn’t grow up in the town, might not want to participate in it and how that could draw the ire of those who promote the event, as they obviously see it as not just a tradition but also a big fundraiser and a tourist draw/ promotion for the town. Nevertheless this ire should not be spilling over into Catholic Church religious events.

As others have said, I would suggest getting together with your other Catholic friends and holding your own May Crowning and Rosary events. You might also talk to your pastor so he is aware that people are feeling excluded from the parish events.

Is there another Catholic Church you can attend? I realize this might not be possible if there is only one parish covering many miles, but I’m thinking there might also be a less wealthy area with their own parish and they might be more inclusive than the one including the town elite.
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Our Priest is hands off and does not usually attend Church events outside of the Mass.
Thanks for your suggestions.

Our priest is hands off and does not typically participate in Church events outside of the Mass.
Okay, if the priest has removed himself from the Church events, then no problem with you starting your own Church event. Start your own moms’ group, Living rosary, May crowning, etc. Invite your friends. Invite all the poor people who are being left out by the big shots.

If the priest complains that there are two groups, you can explain to him why.
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I don’t think that I may have made myself clear. The pageant is not connected to the Church. The pageant and parade is a town event.
May I send you a private message?
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Really creepy.

Do you know a writer who can turn this into a screenplay and when the screenplay is optioned, split the advance (often as much as half a million) with you?

I’m serious. This sounds like a really good movie that will win awards.

A young man in our town wrote a screenplay about our town and ended up getting nominated for an Oscar. Can someone in your town do the same?

I’m very serious about this, but in the meantime–whatever it takes, get your family out of there. This is an unhealthy place to live. Move back in with relatives for a while (until you and the writer get that money from Hollywood!). Seriously–move. I don’t think you can fix this, and considering how creepy it all sounds, it’s possible that if you try to fix it, you could face some very scary retribution from the established townspeople who continue this bizarre “tradition.” Get out.
Your child is destined to endure far more troubling and painful life events. In the grander scheme of things this might be trivial.

Praying for your comfort!
As soon as I figure out how to send a private message. I will send one your way. 😉
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