My Death Sentence

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After numurous tests, I have learned from my doctor that I have only 18 months (or less) to live. I have emphysema, COPD, with only 50% capacity of my lungs (and that decreases 10% each year). Will most likely be on oxgen by Christmas. (Yes, am still a dumb-dumb and still smoke!) Doc says it wouldn’t even matter if I quit, cause lung damage is already done.
Have often heard the question: “What would you do if you knew how much time you have left, a year left?”
I’ve concluded that daily Rosary and Mass is best in getting ready to meet God, and give all possessions to the Church. If I had money, I’d visit relatives & friends for the last time; but am retired, poor, and live on a low fixed income where most relatives lives 1800 miles away.
Are there others who read this also have been given their death sentence? If so, what would you do with your last days?
Please know that yoiu are in our prayers. I am not in this situation. I would suggest to anyone in that situation to meditate on Col 1:24, and join with Paul. Offer it up for the sake of others. Pray for others. Understand that I know that since I am not in that place my words are cheap. Peace be with you.
After numurous tests, I have learned from my doctor that I have only 18 months (or less) to live. I have emphysema, COPD, with only 50% capacity of my lungs (and that decreases 10% each year). Will most likely be on oxgen by Christmas. (Yes, am still a dumb-dumb and still smoke!) Doc says it wouldn’t even matter if I quit, cause lung damage is already done.
Have often heard the question: “What would you do if you knew how much time you have left, a year left?”
I’ve concluded that daily Rosary and Mass is best in getting ready to meet God, and give all possessions to the Church. If I had money, I’d visit relatives & friends for the last time; but am retired, poor, and live on a low fixed income where most relatives lives 1800 miles away.
Are there others who read this also have been given their death sentence? If so, what would you do with your last days?
KowboyM, Please know that you are in my prayers.

I am not in that situation, but I still remember the day (Dec. 23) that my Dad called to tell me he only had a few more weeks left. We (my brothers and our families) were all able to get there and see him before he died. (and, like you, I am about 1,500 miles from where he was living at the time.)

Prayers for the Very Sick
        We, too, O God, will descend into the grave whenever it shall please You, as it shall please You, and wheresoever it shall please You.  Let Your just decrees be fulfilled;  let our sinful bodies return to their parent dust, but in Your great mercy, receive our immortal souls, and when our bodies have risen again, place them likewise in Your kingdom that we may love and bless You for ever and ever.  Amen.


        O my Creator and Father, I beg of you the most important of all Your graces:  that of final perserverance and a holy death.  Despite the fact that I have greatly misused the life You have given me, grant me the grace to live it well from this moment on and to end it in Your holy love.  

        Let me die as the holy patriarchs, leaving this valley of tears without sadness, to go and enjoy eternal rest in my true homeland.  

        Let me die as did glorious St. Joseph, accompanied by Jesus and Mary, pronouncing those sweetest of names, which I hope to extol for all eternity.

        Let me die as did the Immaculate Virgin, in the purest of love and with the desire of uniting myself to the only object of my love.

        Jesus, having accepted death for me, grant me the grace of dying in the act of perfect love for you.

        Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me now and at the hour of my death.

        St. Joseph, my father and lord, win for me the favor of dying as one of the just.

        O Lord, my God, from this moment on I accept with a good will, as something coming from your hand, whatever kind of death you want to send me, with all its anguish, pain and sorrow.

When the moment of death seems near, the following prayer may be said:
I commend you, my dear brother/sister, to almighty God, and entrust you to Your Creator. May you return to Him who formed you from the dust of the earth. May holy Mary, the angels, and the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life. May Christ who was crucified for you bring you freedom and peace. May Christ who died for you admit you into His garden of paradise. May Christ, the true Shepherd, acknowledge you as one of His flock. May he forgive you all your sins, and set you among those He has chosen. May you see your Redeemer face to face, and enjoy the vision of God for ever! Amen.
Hey Kowboy,

I lost both my aunt and uncle to smoking induced emphysema, and their daughter (my cousin) is losing her husband to the same affliction. Have you thought of suing Philip Morris? Just kidding.

Of course my immediate thought to is recommend all sorts of pious prayers and practices. You know, typical Catholic stuff. but in my spirit I sense that maybe the place to start is just to rest in Jesus… and then do what comes naturally.

You might also rename the title of the thread. Maybe something like “Early Exit Into Eternal Life” or something like that. Let’s strive for the proper perspective on this. For me, the challenge is to live my life as if I were going to die tomorrow. It is too easy for me to forget that I am dying and could die any second.

Oh, --and I know this very selfish of me-- please pray for me and my family. My youngest daughter just had her first fenderbender and my son just got his drivers permit.

Whatya think?

Ferd (someone who also is dying but doesn’t like to think about it)
Let’s strive for the proper perspective on this. For me, the challenge is to live my life as if I were going to die tomorrow. It is too easy for me to forget that I am dying and could die any second.
I like your perspective.

Luke 12:
16: And he told them a parable, saying, "The land of a rich man brought forth plentifully;
17: and he thought to himself, What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?' 18: And he said, I will do this: I will pull down my barns, and build larger ones; and there I will store all my grain and my goods.
19: And I will say to my soul, Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; take your ease, eat, drink, be merry.’
20: But God said to him, `Fool! This night your soul is required of you; and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’
Kowboy, we’re all right behind you. As a matter of fact, some of us will be waiting for you when you get there.

Peace in Christ…Salmon
Oh, boy, um…Have you considered quitting smoking anyway? You’ll save a bit of money, but will also become irritable. Have you thought of maybe contacting some anti-smoking groups?

I’ll include two prayers by St. Thomas More. The first he composed while sitting in London Tower, awaiting trial. The second he composed after being condemned.

A Psalm on Detachment

Give me the grace, Good Lord. To set the world at naught. To set the mind firmly on You and not to hang upon the words of men’s mouths. To be content to be solitary. Not to long for worldly pleasures. Little by little utterly to cast off the world and rid my mind of all its business. Not to long to hear of earthly things, but that the hearing of worldly fancies may be displeasing to me. Gladly to be thinking of God, piteously to call for His help. To lean into the comfort of God. Busily to labor to love Him. To know my own vileness and wretchedness. To humble myself under the mighty hand of God. To bewail my sins and, for the purging of them, patiently to suffer adversity. Gladly to bear my purgatory here. To be joyful in tribulations. To walk the narrow way that leads to life. To have the last thing in remembrance. To have ever before my eyes my death that is ever at hand. To make death no stranger to me. To foresee and consider the everlasting fire of Hell. To pray for pardon before the judge comes. To have continually in mind the passion that Christ suffered for me. For His benefits unceasingly to give Him thanks. To buy the time again that I have lost. To abstain from vain conversations. To shun foolish mirth and gladness. To cut off unnecessary recreations. Of worldly substance, friends, liberty, life and all, to set the loss at naught, for the winning of Christ. To think my worst enemies my best friends, for the brethren of Joseph could never have done him so much good with their love and favor as they did him with their malice and hatred. These minds are more to be desired of every man than all the treasures of all the princes and kings, Christian and heathen, were it gathered and laid together all in one heap. Amen.

A Devout Prayer Before Dying

Pater Noster. Ave Maria. Credo.
O HOLY TRINITY, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, three equal and coeternal Persons, and one Almighty God, have mercy on me, vile, abject, abominable, sinful wretch: meekly knowledging before thine High Majesty my long-continued sinful life, even from my very childhood hitherto.

In my childhood, in this point and that point, etc. After my childhood in this point and that point, and so forth by every age, etc.

Now, good gracious Lord, as thou givest me thy grace to knowledge them, so give me thy grace, not in only word but in heart also with very sorrowful contrition to repent them and utterly to forsake them. And forgive me those sins also, in which by mine own default, through evil affections and evil custom, my reason is with sensuality so blinded that I cannot discern them for sin. And illumine, good Lord, mine heart, and give me thy grace to know them, and forgive me my sins negligently forgotten, and bring them to my mind with grace to be purely confessed of them.
Kowboy, you are in my prayers!
Start spending on hour here on earth with our Lord in the Eucharist Adoration. Ask him to give you the graces need to prepare yourself to see him Face to Face. Ask the Holy Spirit to clean out that closet of sins, either mortal and venial. As long as you are able to be on the computer, keep in contact with the Forums.
Once you stop writing, we will still pray for you, so that your presence with the Lord is favorable. I am sure, in purgatory, we will still pray for you and to meet everyone in the Heavenly Kingdom praising our Lord God!

Definately, Go with God!
P.S. For yesterday, (although I do not want this to sound ‘funny’) but Happy Birthday! And remember God created us because HE loves US!

I like your perspective.

Luke 12:

Kowboy, we’re all right behind you. As a matter of fact, some of us will be waiting for you when you get there.

Peace in Christ…Salmon
After numurous tests, I have learned from my doctor that I have only 18 months (or less) to live. I have emphysema, COPD, with only 50% capacity of my lungs (and that decreases 10% each year). Will most likely be on oxgen by Christmas. (Yes, am still a dumb-dumb and still smoke!) Doc says it wouldn’t even matter if I quit, cause lung damage is already done.
Have often heard the question: “What would you do if you knew how much time you have left, a year left?”
I’ve concluded that daily Rosary and Mass is best in getting ready to meet God, and give all possessions to the Church. If I had money, I’d visit relatives & friends for the last time; but am retired, poor, and live on a low fixed income where most relatives lives 1800 miles away.
Are there others who read this also have been given their death sentence? If so, what would you do with your last days?
Hello, 21 years ago my younger brother Kevin was diagnosed with Cancer, and everyone said he was going to die.
Ironic or what but his biggest fear was that he would lose his hair:rolleyes: ,anyway Saint Martha had other ideas, a lighted candle in Saint Michaels and the prayer to ST:Martha and the Holy face of Jesus every Tuesday for 9 Tuesdays and Kevins is still alive.
He never lost a grain of hair in the chemo.
Other people in simular situations I have recommended them to St:Martha, 2 people infact, and both are living.
Anyway I’ll pray for you and may the hand of God touch you this day.:blessyou:

You may be going through the final trial of your life. May God’s peace and love be in your heart. I will keep you in my prayers. I live in a rural area and frequently see people enjoying a ride on horseback. When I see them I will surely think of you.

If I was in your place I would pray for the grace to be joyfully following the words of Paul in Col 1:24 where he says, “Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I complete what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church…” You are carrying a heavy cross and the Lord will hear your prayers. Your unflinching love of the Lord in patient endurance during your time of suffering will be a light to those who know you.

I hope that when my time comes that I can honestly say that by the grace of God I tried to show my children not only how to live, but also how to die.

God Bless You
After numurous tests, I have learned from my doctor that I have only 18 months (or less) to live. I have emphysema, COPD, with only 50% capacity of my lungs (and that decreases 10% each year). Will most likely be on oxgen by Christmas. (Yes, am still a dumb-dumb and still smoke!) Doc says it wouldn’t even matter if I quit, cause lung damage is already done.
Have often heard the question: “What would you do if you knew how much time you have left, a year left?”
I’ve concluded that daily Rosary and Mass is best in getting ready to meet God, and give all possessions to the Church. If I had money, I’d visit relatives & friends for the last time; but am retired, poor, and live on a low fixed income where most relatives lives 1800 miles away.
Are there others who read this also have been given their death sentence? If so, what would you do with your last days?
KowBoy, like the others above, I will be praying for you. Attending daily mass if possible, going to confession often and offering up any suffering I may have would be the things I would be doing.
But I would also think back on my life and think of anyone who I have hurt or offended.

 I would then do my best to contact that person and apologise to them and tell them I loved them, then pray for them.

 This act of mercy would be great!

 Words escape me now KowBoy, and nothing I could say would ease the situation. But if you be still and know He is God and you trust in Him you will have nothing to worry about and you will soon be home for eternity!!

 Much prayers and love to you brother, I will be saying divine mercy's in honor of you.

 If you dont know the Divine Mercy check it out, I dare say its more powerful than the Rosary.


May God Bless you and be with you!!
Frequent confession, receiving Holy Communion daily, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and reciting the rosary and chaplet of divine mercy daily will help you along your journey home. Giving up smoking wouldn’t hurt either 😛

Know that accepting and offering up your suffering will not only purify yourself and the ones around you, it will also purify others you may not even know. As Father Corapi has said, “Unite your sufferings with Jesus Christ and enter into power.”

I will keep you in my prayers… May God Bless You and don’t forget to pray for us down here.
I will be remembering you in my daily prayers and at mass before and after your glorious retreat from this life. Please pray for us when you do eventually enter the eternal glory.

I have a bad feeling that I will not be so lucky as to “know” that my day is coming. I have constant fear of dying in a wreck or something when my mind is not on God. Consider this curse of yours a blessing and embrace that cross.

We will be praying for you.

After numurous tests, I have learned from my doctor that I have only 18 months (or less) to live. I have emphysema, COPD, with only 50% capacity of my lungs (and that decreases 10% each year). Will most likely be on oxgen by Christmas. (Yes, am still a dumb-dumb and still smoke!) Doc says it wouldn’t even matter if I quit, cause lung damage is already done.
My 73 year-old mother is also going through COPD. She was first hospitalized in Feb, 2003 for being unable to beathe – bad case of bronchitis. Her lung capacity was 50% at that time, but she wasn’t required to be on oxygen. She continued to smoke. Last December (9 months later) she was hospitalized again for being unable to breathe. Her lung capacity was down to 28%, and she is on oxygen.

Her doctors were quite clear with her last December that if she stopped smoking, she could greatly slow the progression of the disease. They also said that after she stopped smoking, her body would learn how to utilize additional lung tissue that she is currently not able to access due to smoking – that if she stopped smoking there would be a good chance that she could even get off oxygen.

If she stopped smoking, she could possibly live for years, or die next month. It is unpredictable. The reduced lung capacity that is part of COPD means many people get a cold, or bronchitis, or some other kind of congestion, and since they do not have enough reserve lung capacity, it kills them. So, she could live for years, or the next winter flue season could kill her.

He told her if she continued to smoke, she would be dead by June. Well, it is June, she is continuing to smoke, she isn’t dead yet. But she is in sad shape, and I don’t know when she will go…

So the first thing I want to say to you is don’t give up on yourself, and rationalize that the smoking is fine because it is hopeless anyway. That is a form of despair. Despair is a form of sin against hope.

Secondly, if you are wanting to dedicate what remains of your life to God, then we all know that offering our suffering to the Lord is a path towards holiness. Thus, giving up smoking is also a spiritual sacrifice for Christ.

So either way I see it, quitting smoking is still the right thing to do.

And I am not just preaching without any idea of how hard it is. I was hopelessly addicted to smoking, yet I quit. Over 50% of all people who have ever smoked in this country have quit. It is achievable, just as all things are achievable through Christ.

I will pray for you.
May God be with you in your time of trial. I lost my mother to cancer and my father three months later, they both smoked. I watched mom after the cancer comsumed her and she was living on will alone. She refused pain medication, I think Jesus helped her to be strong so she could finish her life with dignity, even though in tremendous pain. She taught her family much in those last weeks and days about love of God and family. She started my journey home (without knowing she had done so) because of the way she lived her last days on this earth. You might be considered fortunate to know the approximate time. IF you truly believe in Him who came to save us you can lead many home by your faith Maybe this is a way that you can make reparation for any past failings and will be taken home bypassing purgatory?
Please know that I will include you in my daily rosary.
God Bless you, Dear Kowboy. It has been some time since you posted. You are in my prayers.
Dear Kowboy:
Commend yourself to Jesus' Mercy. He never fails to give mercy where it is asked. Say the Jesus Prayer ("Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."). I wish could send you the icon of the Divine Mercy. I hope that's the last thing I see before I die. If I see Jesus first, I will pray for you. If you see Him first, you pray for me.
God Bless you, Dear Kowboy. It has been some time since you posted. You are in my prayers.
Yes…we haven’t heard from you in a while…I will include you in prayers this evening…God Bless you, Kowboy.
Dear Friend,

You are in my prayers.

If I were you I would make every minute count. I would write letters and make phone calls and I would ask the forgiveness of every person I could think of. I would enjoy every moment, the blue sky and the grey; the snow and the slush; the bare trees and the pines. I would look at every child and every lover and I would wish them happiness. I would quit smoking and any other addiction I may have to arrive next door as free of worldly attachments as possible. I would go for confession and I would go to communion as often as I would be able. If I was not a Catholic, I would go see a priest and tell him how much time I have left and I would ask him to get me in the door in a hurry. I would offer up my sufferings united with the sufferings of Christ for the conversion of sinners. I would take my refuge in the arms of the Blessed Mother and I would pray that she hold me at the hour of my death. God bless.
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