My kids will be 14 months apart

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I am currently pregnant with my 3rd child. I am now in the 2nd trimester so I am starting to share the news with everyone. Most of the responses have been positive. However, there is an undercurrent of " My Gosh, how are you going to handle two in diapers?" and truthfully I am feeling a little that way myself.

None of my babies have been planned. My son was born when I was in a previous relationship and before I came back to the Church. My son at the tender age of 1 was instrumental in bringing me back to the Church. He’s such a great guy and continues to be at age 11. My little girl was born after my husband and I had made plans to adopt and gotten the official letter saying that we could start looking for a match. This after having been married for 5 years with no ABC no NFP (I didn’t even know about it at the time) no nothing. She is a real blessing.

I was just on my 3rd chart of NFP post partum, just starting to learn the ins and outs. We used an iffy day but we were both thinking- It took us 5 years for dd, another one is not going to happen right away.

Well, Man proposes and God disposes;) I’m wondering if anyone else has had such a short interval between kids. How they handled it? and how they handled any comments about the short time frame? especially since we did not “plan” it that way.

Thanks in advance!
My first two were only 13 months and 3 weeks apart. Don’t worry, it isn’t THAT bad. Don’t let your imagination run wild and get you all scared. You have an older child that can help, and of course your husband.

I’ve got to go to bed, or else I’d write longer. Just believe me that it is not an unmanageable task, and you will survive!

congrats, by the way!🙂
Congrats! 🙂 You’ll be fine!

I’m 14 months younger than my next oldest brother. In fact, my mom had 5 kids in 7 years:eek:

She reminds us (now and then) that she had two or three at a time in diapers and talks about oh, I don’t know 9 or 10 years of changing diapers in the era before disposables.
That’s great for your kids! My brother and I are 2.5 years (20 and 17) apart and are the best of friends (that’s not something a lot of siblings can say unfortunately). But I think the closer in age your kids are, the better friends they will ultimately be, especially growing up.

My mom had my brother in July of '62 - I came along in May of '63…

For two months of the year, my brother and I are the same age!
My 3&4th are 17 months apart, and I was worried, and it wasn’t that much of a problem in the end. I didn’t really think about it. I had more of a problem (and still do) with my older son. It depends on the child.

My first two boys are a year and 4 days apart. It was kind of hard at first because you have 2 babies but once the younger one can start interacting with the older one, it got easier. Now they play together all the time and are very close. They really look out for each other. It’s very sweet to watch. (They are almost 3 and almost 4.)

And I never found it too difficult to have 2 in diapers at the same time. Plus, when DS#2 came along, DH and I were still in baby mode from DS#1 so that wasn’t too much of an adjustment, either.
Thanks for all the positive responses! I really needed that. You guys are the best!
Congratulations, ABsitively 🙂
You and your husband are truly blessed. Trust the Lord to help you through this; and enjoy the experience. Remember, He never gives us more than we can handle.
I started three pregnancies in a 12 month period; unfortunately, my first baby miscarried very early, and then I fell pregnant with my son, on the very next cycle! I was very ill throughout that pregnancy, and wasn’t well for quite a while afterwards, losing 24 kg (52.8 pounds) in 4 weeks! I then got mastitis, and my son was not getting enough milk, so I put him onto the bottle at 6 weeks, and the following week, I fell pregnant with my daughter. Brittany was born a week early, so there is only 10 and a half months between her and Sean. (Sean-: 14/3/95; Brittany-: 30/1/96)
My recommendation would be to take a deep breath, say a prayer of thanks, and RELAX! I found that by remaining calm, the children responded positively to this atmosphere.
Try and get into a routine very quickly, and if anyone offers help, ACCEPT IT!!! It is easy to get worn out if you don’t let your loved ones help occasionally. I tried to be Super Mum, and DH, much as I love him, was not very helpful.
Please make time for yourself and hubby too. It is so easy to neglect your needs and / or those of your DH.
As to the comments about the closeness in age; I joke about how I had always wanted to have them close; just had not planned on them being THAT close. Of course, God had other plans.
Mum was not supposed to have anymore children after my brother, who is the eldest, but she told the doctor she would see him back there (at the hospital), in 12 months…hehehe…my brother and sister are exactly 12 months apart! Peter was born 16/12/1960, and my sis was born on the 16/12/1961.
Remember to ask God to help carry your burden if it gets a bit much at times.
You are in my prayers.
Congrats! 🙂 You’ll be fine!

I’m 14 months younger than my next oldest brother. In fact, my mom had 5 kids in 7 years:eek:

She reminds us (now and then) that she had two or three at a time in diapers and talks about oh, I don’t know 9 or 10 years of changing diapers in the era before disposables.
On a side note, your mom is the only woman her age I’ve heard actually admit that her children WEREN’T completely potty trained by 18 months.🙂
in my day most of us were in this situation (it seems like most of the time, but my memory could be selective). It was the norm for Catholics on the rhythm method (more precise methods were just coming into play and there was little training available on them) to have babies about 18 mos to 2 yrs apart, lucky ones made it to 3 yrs apart.

just part of life. you are washing diapers anyhow, what’s another load? at least most gals today have a washer and dryer at home, or are using disposables, not hauling babies and diapers to the laundromat every other day.
All of mine are between 15 months and 23 months apart.
There’s been several times we had THREE in diapers at the same time.

You’ll be just fine. Ignore them all. You’ll do what needs doing, when it needs doing, as best you can do it. And that will be enough.


**I think others are picturing you sitting at home contemplating the dozens of diapers and feedings or something. That’s just not how it works. I guess I could think like that - constant tally of my toils. The reality is I don’t give the diapers and feedings much thought. I just do it. Same as breathing at this point.😉 **

When my MIL had her third child, she had two at home in diapers. Her oldest (my BIL) was soon potty-trained after that, but that still left two. She survived 😉 and all three siblings are very close to this day! It’s such a blessing to have siblings close in age. My mom had four right in a row after ten years of infertility and two adoptions. My youngest four siblings are between 18-24 mos apart, but they were still close enough in age to have two in diapers at a time. She had these four and then they were going to wait a couple of years before starting to try again (they desired more children, God willing), but once they started trying again, they were unable to conceive again. They are very thankful for the blessings God did give them! You never know what God has up His sleeve 😉 :D.
On a side note, your mom is the only woman her age I’ve heard actually admit that her children WEREN’T completely potty trained by 18 months.🙂
HA! Yes, she doesn’t hesitate at all to embarass her kids.🙂

I also must agree with some of the other posters - it turned out that all of us are still pretty close and have been all along.
Ann Congrats;) on yet another blessing.

None of mine are quite that close but #'s 1 and 2 are 20 months apart which to me was still pretty darn close! I remember being shocked when I got pregnant with #2 feeling like “didn’t I just do this”??. 😛 But now they are 9 and 7 and very good buddies. They’ll be the best of friends (at least until they are teenagers).

Just don’t forget you’ll need a double stroller;) And double patience:)
Your family sounds a lot like mine! We have a bio son, age 10, then used nothing for years, finally got a diagnosis of PCOS, tried all the meds, still nothing. We adopted a beautiful baby girl last year, and she is all of 19mo, and I just had our miracle baby last week! So yeah, I know now it can be hard with a newborn and a toddler, but it is doable. Get yourself a baby sling, and use it! Keep the little one in the sling while you chase the bigger one. And let the oldest help out too! Big brother is great at watching the toddler for a few minutes or doing chores for me. I try not to put too much on him, but he likes to help. And don’t be afraid to ask for help! Get your mom or MIL in there to help for a while after #3 is born. You need to take care of the baby, they can do laundry and dishes. So far it’s easier than I thought. Don’t stress about it, and you’ll be fine.
My sister and I are 13 months apart.

While growing up, our Dad was military. We always had a friend.

Now, we live hundreds of miles apart, but are still the best of friends.

My Mom and Dad always told everyone that yes, they knew what caused it and yes, they enjoyed it. :eek: :rolleyes: That was fine to say until I was old enough to know what they were talking about.
The day we got married, my pastor told us, “If anyone really knew what was coming when they got married or ordained, nobody would be brave enough to do it.”

Rely on God, and whatever comes, you’ll manage. I hardly knew a family growing up that didn’t have at least one pair of siblings that close…some even less than a year apart. My aunt had two sets of twins less than two years apart with another boy right after that–yes, that was five boys in high school at the same time. Why she never lost any fingers at mealtime, I don’t know, but even their family managed. 😃

Your family will manage, too…and those two little ones are gonna have some* fun* together!
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