What I really want to know is what does Becoming Catholic do for that I wouldn’t get with being Mormon?
I’m not an ex-Mormon, nor have I studied the Mormon faith to any extent - so you may be the best person to answer your own question. But first you need to know what the Catholic Church says about herself and her faith - not what other people say the Catholic Church believes.
You have a better idea of what the Mormon faith teaches. If I were to tell you about Mormonism, I would be a Catholic telling you what Mormons believe - a very poor source.
Then compare the two and see which is the more truthful, or more credible.
Pick up a Catechism of the Catholic Church. That will go through blow-by-blow what the Catholic Church holds as true. Then you can pick out parts that don’t jive with Mormonism, then come here to ask more direct questions. And see which faith has a better argument.
I’m sure Mormonism claims that it holds the truth, well surprise! surprise! The Catholic church makes the same claim too. So which is correct? Or which is at least more credible?
When did Mormonism begin?
When did the Catholic Church begin?
When was Jesus here on Earth?
What did Jesus really mean when he said such-and-such?
The Catholic Church claims that she began, when Jesus founded her on Peter, the rock. Ever since then, even though Jesus ascended into Heaven, the Catholic Church has been preserving everything Jesus taught the 12 apostles.
So when you hear something that Jesus supposedly said, but you don’t quite know what He meant by it, who best to give you an interpretation but Jesus himself? Well He’s not available in that way anymore. So who would be the next best person to give an explanation? Perhaps one of Jesus’ closest friends who knew Jesus really well. None of those 12 are available either. So maybe someone who studied under one of those 12? Well they’re dead too. So maybe someone who studied under someone who studied under one of the 12? They’re dead. But you get the idea.
In the end, both religions probably claim eternal rewards, so one is correct, the other is incorrect. Considering the consequences, this is one test question you don’t want to screw up on!