There is no one way husbands and wives should “love” each other. And anyone who has had a long marriage will tell you that the feelings change over the years.
If your parish gives you access to you can watch not only the Beloved series about marriage but also Symbalon. There is one chapter on marriage, I just taught it to RCIA a few weeks ago. It speaks of how marriage is a combination of the types of love (Greek gives us different words for love, far better than the English!)
There was a study done a few years ago that showed couples who had fallen out of love and were ready to divorce, when they stayed in the marriage, were much happier and had stronger marriages after a few years. (I will google and try to find the study)
When we had bad times in our marriage, I can tell you that one of the problems was me. There are always men out there who are fishing. They are in the office, at work, online, and they were ready to give me attention that I did not feel I was getting at home. It made me start comparing my husband to that guy at work who was flirty, who gave me compliments, who dressed well and was adventerous. That was my biggest weakness, I craved attention and complements.
Also, I expected my husband to read my mind. I mean, if my assistant at work can remember how I like my burger, why can’t MY HUSBAND remember? I learned to ask my husband for what I need/want " instead of expecting him to simply know it. Communication helped us so much.
The old saw about a 7-year itch is true. Sometime between 7 and 10 years, a lot of people get bored in the marriage and start looking over the fence. With social media it is even easier to compare our marriages and relationships to others. It is easy to find our day to day buying the right toilet paper and the unrinsed bathroom sink as dull and “not what I deserve!”.
Not saying that you are doing those things, but, just sharing where I was.
Reading that “7 Levels” book helped me.
Reading the Love Languages book helped me.
Retrouvaille has helped many people.
Remembering that friendship, companionship, is worth dying for so it is worth pushing through the dry times.