Newsweek article on the Nativity

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It must be close to Christmas. Time for major media print articles dismissing the Bible as myth or fabrication…

I first heard about this on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. Hugh had a couple of Protestant (one Presbyterian and one Baptist, so I think I’m safe with the term Protestant 🙂 ) theologians explaining why the account is accurate.

Merry Christmas,

It must be close to Christmas. Time for major media print articles dismissing the Bible as myth or fabrication…

I first heard about this on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. Hugh had a couple of Protestant (one Presbyterian and one Baptist, so I think I’m safe with the term Protestant 🙂 ) theologians explaining why the account is accurate.

Merry Christmas,

Whoa, that Newsweek’s account is accurate, or the Bible’s is accurate???

Yikes, I almost fell out of my chair.
It must be close to Christmas. Time for major media print articles dismissing the Bible as myth or fabrication…

I first heard about this on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show. Hugh had a couple of Protestant (one Presbyterian and one Baptist, so I think I’m safe with the term Protestant 🙂 ) theologians explaining why the account is accurate.

Merry Christmas,

You beat me to the post. glad to hear you are a Hugh Hewitt fan.
Yep, I listened to Hugh Hewitt’s radio program this afternoon too. Where is Scott Hahn when you need him? He would have been a fantastic guest with the other two ministers. I was a bit surprised re: their concern and criticism of the DaVinci Code.
The author of this article is an Episcopalian so I don’t think even a liberal mainline protestant would subscribe for the nonsense of the Davinci Code which even liberal scholars denounce. The only fools that stick up for this that claim to be scholars are the Jesus Seminar heretics and the heretic MacBrien at Nortre Dame (why is this priest not defrocked by now) However his is keeping with the latest psuedo scholarship of mainline christianity and modernism of some liberal catholic scholars notice how many times he quotes Raymond E. Brown the author of the sometimes suspect and sometimes modernist New Jerome Bibilical Commentary. (It’s not totally modernist it has value in places but it would be at least problematic for many catholics) What we have in the article is the hyper textual criticism and hyper historical criticism that was all the rage the last 2 decades in liberal protestantism and modernist catholcism.
There is nothing new here except for some Davinci Code references which the article doesn’t give much credence to.
Actually if you are a fan of Raymond E. Brown and the New Jerome Biblical Commentary you might like the article.
Since I have mixed feelings on that type of work I have mixed feelings on the article . There is some value here but it raises many questions that in the end we will never know the answer to nor do they really matter.
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