Next step for immigration

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By Arnold Schwarzenegger
ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER is governor of California.

March 28, 2006

THIRTY-EIGHT YEARS ago, I first arrived in America owning nothing but a dream.

I had few friends, little money and knew even less English. But of this I was certain: Here was a land where I could go as far and as fast as my dreams and my desire would take me. Now, nearly 40 years later, my immigrant dream has come true. And thanks to my journey, I bring a unique perspective to the immigration discussion. I don’t just talk about immigrants — I am an immigrant.

A few days ago, huge crowds assembled in California and proclaimed: “Aqui estamos.” I say to each one of them: Yes, we are here. Now we must ask: Where do we go from here?

As our nation begins a national debate on immigration, I propose that we lower our voices and lift our sights. We need a debate that attacks the issue without attacking individuals. And we need a comprehensive new law that respects immigrants and protects our nation. Frankly, the debate in Congress thus far has focused too much on politics and too little on principles. Ever since I first ran for office, I’ve talked about the importance of having a comprehensive immigration policy. Now the moment has arrived.,0,1826322,print.story?coll=la-home-commentary
Nice talk, but really doesn’t address the real issue: ILLEGAL immigration.

He mentions it.
He says illegal immigrants should be deported IF they are convicted of a single crime.

He talks about a temporary worker program as a means to document those coming into the country to work (this helps our national security), but a temporary worker program still brings with it the problem of the children born in this country while the worker is ‘temporarily’ here…and then where those children are to live out their lives.

That’s a real problem facing us…the children are in our schools legitimately because they are american citizens but their parents are illegal immigrants. If we deport the parents civil right groups plead on behalf of the children. If we deport the children with their parents civil right groups cry out in anger for the unjustness of that ruling. If we allow the parents to stay because of the children then what good are the laws on the books???

I don’t think anyone would disagree with everything he said about LEGAL immigrants to our country.

But what’s happening is the two get lumped together in any debate and that’s keeping us from being able to adequately discuss the matter.

I don’t have the answer and I’m still struggling to identify the real issues - they’re so woven together right now - but certainly something needs to be done. Either we open our borders or we start cleaning house and enforcing the laws already on the books. I don’t see why we need any new legislation though.
Absolutely nothing written by Schwarzenegger has any credibility with me whatsoever.
Absolutely nothing written by Schwarzenegger has any credibility with me whatsoever.
Why, because what he says makes sense?
Why, because what he says makes sense?
No, because he’s made promises he refuses to fulfill. He tries to get out of contracts. He says one thing, then turns around and does the complete opposite. The man has absolutely no credibility and anyone who does business with him does so at their own risk because he cannot be counted upon to keep his word.


He “borrowed” billions from the California education budget and refused to pay it back when he said he would.

He tried to get out of contracts signed with State employee unions signed in good faith.

He says that he doesn’t need anyone’s money yet he spent most of last year with his hand out collecting money from special interests.

He’s a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage “Catholic”…which ALONE should earn him derision on this board…unless being a Republican somehow forgives all those things?
No, because he’s made promises he refuses to fulfill. He tries to get out of contracts. He says one thing, then turns around and does the complete opposite. The man has absolutely no credibility and anyone who does business with him does so at their own risk because he cannot be counted upon to keep his word.


He “borrowed” billions from the California education budget and refused to pay it back when he said he would.

He tried to get out of contracts signed with State employee unions signed in good faith.

He says that he doesn’t need anyone’s money yet he spent most of last year with his hand out collecting money from special interests.

He’s a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage “Catholic”…which ALONE should earn him derision on this board…**unless being a Republican somehow forgives all those things? **
No need for political quips.
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