Ohio Lawsuit Filed Challanging Election

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Activists yesterday refiled a lawsuit with the state Supreme Court seeking to invalidate Ohio’s presidential election results that handed the state’s 20 crucial electoral votes to President Bush over Democrat John Kerry.

"…The suit filed yesterday focuses exclusively on the presidential race and seeks an expedited hearing in its bid to take back the electoral votes formally awarded to the President on Monday. The official count had Mr. Bush winning the state by a margin of 118,775 votes over Mr. Kerry.

The lawsuit alleges votes were taken away from Mr. Kerry and given to Mr. Bush as part of a pattern of fraud, discrimination, and machine malfunction.

Mr. Arnebeck said he plans to file a new challenge in the chief justice race on Tuesday…

As I said in another thread, I hope the Democrats keep this up for another 4 years.
As I said in another thread, I hope the Democrats keep this up for another 4 years.
I wish however they would quit costing the taxpayers money in their eternal quests…
Forget about some lawsuit, what happened to the recount? Weren’t the Greens and Libertarians going to pay for a recount? Has that already happened?
I wish however they would quit costing the taxpayers money in their eternal quests…
You forget one thing. To them :whacky: it is not the taxpayer’s money, it is theirs :banghead:
This is just ridiculous…it is very sad that these people can not accept defeat. I would be ashamed if my party did this and I would move fast to distance myself from them if they did.
I dug around to see what was up with the recount. It’s a little more than half complete, but most of the bigger counties are done. In the most populous county, Cuyahoga (home to Cleveland), Kerry gained 17 votes after the recount, and Bush lost 6, as stated in this Cleveland Plain Dealer article. Results were similar in other counties - little or no change from the original count.

As for the lawsuit, if they can prove what they claim, more power to them. But I suspect it’s mostly wishful thinking. People got disenfranchised by incompetence and poor planning - but certainly not 118,000 of them. And while there probably was some fraud and discrimination, it’s hard to believe that occurred in more than a few isolated places.
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