Older women religious vocation

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The Family of Jacopa Association ( www.familyofjacopa.com ) is a Franciscan community of women over 40 years old with no age limit. We are a Public Association of the Christian Faithful in the Diocese of Steubenville in Ohio, U.S.A. Members include religious Sisters in traditional habit and also Dedicated Widows/Single women who live in their own homes (like a Third Order). Our charism is giving ourselves to Our Lord with our prayers and penances. Our main active apostolate is to visit and serve widows. We chant the Divine Office in our Motherhouse monastery chapel, we are Marian, Eucharistic and attend all of the approved Holy Mass’s in the Roman/Latin rite. Please email: familyjacopa@yahoo.com or call (740)275-6168.
Thanks a lot for this information. I’ll send you and email with the indicated email address.

Thank you.
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