
misericordie said:I just have a question to which I hope many can respond. Why is it that all the liturgical dancers, the army of “eucharistic ministers”, clown masses, Pizza Masses, and many :dancing: dancing and jumping up and down, or spinning on the floor masses only seem to be a problem in the C:bowdown2: atholic Church in the USA? In Latin America and SPAIN, none of that nonsence goes on. Especially Spain and Italy which hold on to the beutiful and CORRECT way of celebrating the Catholic Mass.
Don’t worry, you’re not. It needs to be pointed out things like this are extremely rare. I’m talking needle-in-a-haystack uncommon. But unfortunately they get more mention than they deserve, by those who would have you believe there are deep problems in the Church. Please don’t be misled. Most Catholics have never been subjected to such absurdities.OK… I’m new to Catholicism and will be starting RCIA in September and all this has got me a bit concerned. Clown masses? Pizza Masses? Dancing and jumping up and down masses? Spinning on the floor masses? This is not the Catholic Church I thought I was joining.
Hi,OK… I’m new to Catholicism and will be starting RCIA in September and all this has got me a bit concerned. Clown masses? Pizza Masses? Dancing and jumping up and down masses? Spinning on the floor masses? This is not the Catholic Church I thought I was joining. I haven’t witnessed anything like this… yet. If I did I think I would get up and leave. Which makes me ask; why don’t you get up and leave the mass when this kind of stuff happens?
I’ve never seen these major abuses–my understanding is that clown masses are big in the new revised Episcopal churchOK… I’m new to Catholicism and will be starting RCIA in September and all this has got me a bit concerned. Clown masses? Pizza Masses? Dancing and jumping up and down masses? Spinning on the floor masses? This is not the Catholic Church I thought I was joining. I haven’t witnessed anything like this… yet. If I did I think I would get up and leave. Which makes me ask; why don’t you get up and leave the mass when this kind of stuff happens?
Many people who do not have the chance and/or means to live in California feel the need to bash it. This might very well extend to most of the West Coast and East Coast as well.Let’s not say THE USA shall we? Things are quirky on both left coast’s from all the complaints I see on this board. But leave the rest of us out of it.We are not all living in NY, or other so called liberal states. Not all of the USA is doing things wrong and not all of Europe is doing things right. I am not intimating goofy things are not done here and other places but when they are they don’t last long. We tend to send the goofballs back to whence they came (which is usually from the East coast or West coast) and they don’t want to stay here anyway. The shock is too much for their minds to handle.
Frankly, that is the situation from the beginning of the church also. Lot’s of quirky things have been done throughout history which do not square with our faith.
If your talking to me then you missed my point entirely. The posters in this thread doing all the criticizing are all from the East and the West. THAT was the point. It is overboard to say the whole USA. If they wish to criticize their own diocese fine. They seem to have the strange idea it is going on everywhere and it is not. AND they are the ones who complain the loudest and longest. If they do not wish to have their diocses pointed out then why do they off handedly continue to complain and paint everyone with the same brush? I took the time to go through more than this thread son, and the same complaints all are from a certain place. CA and the Eastern Stares. Try it yourself. Pick any thread. It’s the same ones all over this forum. You know it is skewed vision and I know it is skewed vision but again and again the same protesters come from these States and present themselves as if they were the entire country.Many people who do not have the chance and/or means to live in California feel the need to bash it. This might very well extend to most of the West Coast and East Coast as well.
The same could be said about the entire USA. Just ask a European about the USA and you’ll likely hear an envious diatribe masked as a critique.
Please do not introduce this sort of envy and and resentment on this wonderful forum…
Illinois":I just have a question to which I hope many can respond. Why is it that all the liturgical dancers, the army of “eucharistic ministers”, clown masses, Pizza Masses, and many dancing and jumping up and down, or spinning on the floor masses only seem to be a problem in the C atholic Church in the USA? In Latin America and SPAIN, none of that nonsence goes on. Especially Spain and Italy which hold on to the beutiful and CORRECT way of celebrating the Catholic Mass.
CA:It was a result of the implementation of Vatican II in America that was linked to liberal social engineering by ideologues, it does not represent authentic, orthodox Catholicism. The silliness that has overtaken seminaries and the USCCB, the homosexualization, the minimalist liturgical gnosticism, the iconoclastic wreckovation outrages, the lesbianism among some nuns, the theological dissent, the activist liberalism at such places as Notre Dame and Georgetown, the attempts through Liberation Theology to mate Catholicism with socialism or communism, the giddy charismatic prayer meetings, Enneagram seminars, the Protestantization of Catholic worship,“encounter group” theology and liturgy, the “pro-abortion” Catholic celebrity politicians, the gutting of parishes and dioceses, and the near-bankruptcy-inducing sex abuse settlements
NY:It seems people here think they know better than 2,000 years of history and tradition. What it really comes down to is liberals trying to make the catholic church protestant and open to their lifestyles, ie: contraception, homosexuality, female priests, etc. Destroying the reverence of the Mass only helps the rest take place.
And this idea there are only 4 Dioceses…now that is way off course. So who is it again that is introducing this sort of skewed envy and resentment? So far I repeat…the complaints all come from CA and Eastern States.That is my point and my point only. If anyone is brandishing envy and resentment it certainly is not those in between in the sandwich of the USA. Yet, these self same complainers feel free to use the entire USA as an example. One would hope they can document their charges before spewing rhetoric at many good Dioceses and Parish’s across the board, and the challenge was to wake someone up in these always complaining states to start defending the good parish’s and Diocese in them also.It seems some just cannot accept reality for what it is regarding MOST Dioceses in the USA. I say most, because one can only confer that these 4 dioceses in the USA are the ones who have not given in to the feminist agenda, clown masses, the consecration of english muffins, see through chalices that look more like wine glasses, kumbayah rock and roll charismatic hysteria masses where people drop to the floor when they are :“touched by the Spirit”. oh and lets not forget the demonstration of body worship called: liturgical dances
Do you really have enough in-depth knowledge of every diocese in the U.S. to be making statements like that? Somehow I doubt it.Oops, sorry. I was supposed to mention the 4 dioceses in the USA which are GREAT!!!, splendid, awsome REALLY Catholic